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Hvarje mska[menniska] har en Jileumbartje TN Илевямбэртя or Илебяʹ пэртя denotes both a spirit taking care of wild reindeer and a life-giver (žiznedatel’) or life guardian, as Castrén notes. The twofold meaning goes back to the two…

Ifr[ån]. Archangelsk till Mesen 350 verst.Fr[ån]. Mesen til Isma 800Ifr[ån]. Isma till Kolwva 250 (60) - 1400.Ifr[ån]. Arch[angelsk]. till Pinega 200Ifr[ån]. Pin[ega] till Kolwa 1300=1500 From Arkhangelsk to Mesen 350 versts From Mesen to…

Яковъ Петровичь Коткинъ, ме= щанинъ въ Мезени känner Samoj[eder]. och Sam[ojediska]. sånger. Jakovʹʹ Petrovičʹ Kotkinʹʹ, a citizen of Mezen', knows Samoyed [the language] and Samoyed songs. Makar Mosejevitsh Михейевъ i Visas flod;…

Brudgrumen sänder en talman The following two pages represent a matchmaking dialogue that allegedly precedes the actual wedding. On weddings, see notes [Giftermål] [Se min tryckta] [sig till hustru] [Obs.]. till den förlofva-…

Talman Matchmaker Serempeälen eh dáeuedamda чтобы на поль зиму было бы Let there be for half winter Jurtjaada njeieh чтобы масло было? Let there be…

Bäele, TN пеля ’half’ puoli pieli, l[eller]. bäele, begagnas liksom iLappskan och Finskan Bäele 'puoli' 'pieli', or bäele, is used as in Lappish and Finnish. De döda See [den döde]. brefvos fordom öfvan jord ikistor. Den…

Hedn[iska] Samojediska namn. By ‘pagan names’ Castrén is referring to the personal names given to a person by their relatives. They have often been called sacred and secret, and are usually known only by the closest members of the…

Kanin This table summarises the regions of the Russian Arctic, their names in Russian and partly in Nenets, and the Nenets terms for those living in each region. There are some mistakes in the table, though, and this comment both…

äfven efter döden See [den döde]. offra slagta Samojederne renar vid den aflidnes graf. En rikSamojed sade sig första året hafvaoffrat 6, det andra 4 renar. The Samoyed also slaughter reindeer after death by the grave of the…

Om Rituals of sacrifice, TN хан, have been of special interest for many who have described Nenets culture. The reindeer is a typical sacrificial animal, although fish or pray animals can also be sacrificed. Additionally, there can be…

Några As noted by Chomič (1981: 18–20), the Nenets shamans did not pay so much attention to their costume as other Siberian shamans. Some shamans may have had special details in their costumes, but mostly they are reported to have…

IfrånFrom Kolwa tillto Synja flod 40 IfrånFrom Synja tillto Adzjwa 90 Till To Korsa (flod)Korsa (river) 40 Till To Chulmor (flod)Chulmor…

verstversts Ifrån From Hfors till to Torneå genom ÅboTorneå via Åbo 1165 Ifrån From Torneå till to Rovaniemi 125 Ifrån From Rovaniemi…

Name Family Name Family Ацелю Юндоминъ Acelju Jundomin'' Лава Lava Пирчико Pirčiko Тебелома Tebeloma Ныгара Nygara Хазаватко Chazavatko

Bolshesemelska Samojeder 1. Tisii Тысъя. One of the six main branches of the European Nenets families (Dolgich 1970: 9–10; Chomič 1976: 108). See also [Вануйти]. 2. Nogotisii Nogotysij. Corresponds to TN Нохо’ Тысъя, fe. Нохоʹ…

Du mitt god, This is a translation of a Komi wedding lament. See Castrén 2019: 495–499. min hulda faderSamla ätter, dubbla stammar Red en aftonvard, förträffligTillred så en präktig måltidGif åt dem en präktig måltidGör et gladt och…

Kaaᵔal kî, The Tym flows into the Obˈ from the right (north) at N59°25′55″ E80°1′40″. (TS). GVR Tym, Kaal=kî l.[eller] köng (ifr[ån] F[inska] köngäs) Harne-Käragal-kî, The River Parabel’ flows into the Obʹ. GVR Parabel rinner…

470 v[erst] till Tomsk Tomsk is situated on the River Tom at N56°29′19″ E84°57′08″. Founded at the beginning of the 17th century, the town quickly became an important point of trade and transit further east to Siberia. At the beginning of…

Häebide puedara. Хэбидя пэдара ʻSacred woods’. A spruce forest and river with the same name in the Bolʹšezemelʹskaja tundra. Currently, the River More-Ju flows into Xajpudyr Bay in the Barents Sea at N68°18′58″ E59°40′58″ GVR (Schrenk…
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