Strödda ethnographiska anteckningar. 002



Strödda ethnographiska anteckningar. 002


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See [den döde].
offra slagta Samojederne
renar vid den aflidnes graf. En rik
Samojed sade sig första året hafva
offrat 6, det andra 4 renar.
The Samoyed also slaughter reindeer after death by the grave of
the deceased.

A rich Samoyed is said to have sacrificed six, another four reindeer after the first year [after the death of a relative].

  • Hènts,
    TN хынц, хынабц ʻNenets songʼ denotes, on the one hand, a Nenets song in general and on the other, a genre of Nenets songs. As a genre, the meaning of the word varies geographically, so that the Western Nenets use it to refer to individual songs, whereas in the Eastern areas хынабц denotes a register of epic singing. (Puškareva 2000; 2001; Niemi & Lapsui 2004; Lukin 2017) See ‘Lyric poems’ and ‘Syo’ in Manuscripta Castreniana Jurak-Samoiedica Folkloristica.
  • Sjúdubáptsah,
    TN сюдбабц is a genre term denoting one register of epic singing. (Kuprijanova 1965: 28–55; Tereščenko 1990; Niemi 1998: 55–60; Lukin 2017) See ‘Epic poems’ in Manuscripta Castreniana Jurak-Samoiedica Folkloristica.
  • Waádakóh,
    TN вадако ʻtale, fairy-tale’. See Puškareva 2001: 23; Lukin 2017 for discussion of the genre. See’Tales’ in Manuscripta Castreniana Jurak-Samoiedica Folkloristica
  • Hènts 'song'
  • Sjúdubáptsah 'myth'
  • Waádakóh 'fairy-tale'