Strödda ethnographiska anteckningar. 003
Strödda ethnographiska anteckningar. 003
As noted by Chomič (1981: 18–20), the Nenets shamans did not pay so much attention to their costume as other Siberian shamans. Some shamans may have had special details in their costumes, but mostly they are reported to have consisted of a chamois coat and a headdress that covers the eyes.
nyttja vid akten enRu kudesnik ʻwitch, sorcerer’.
mahlitsa af sämsk (harlös), en rund koppar plåt öfver bröstet. Malitsan (Sāmburtsja)
är kort, till kösterna långdObviously, going back to the TN самба(сь) ʻto be a shaman’ the word denotes a shaman’s attire.
med ärmarna och öfverallt i sömmar sys smala klädesremsar. I Fållen af kläde. Mössan af kläde, hänges blott framför ögonen, som skola vara betäckta. En röd remsa går kring hufvudet, en an- nan röd remsa öfver hjessan, så att skygglappen ej faller bort. Den är svart och hänger ned ända till bröstet. Stöf- lorna äfven af sämsk. |
Some kudesniki use at the service a malitsa of chamois leather (hairless), with a round copper plate over the chest. The malitsa (Sāmburtsja) is short, waist-long, with sleeves and narrow strips of clothing are sewn on all the seams. The hem is made of cloth. The hat is made of cloth and hangs in front of the eyes, which should be covered. A red strip goes around the head, another red strip over the top of the head, so that the blinker does not fall off. The blinker is black and hangs down all the way to the chest. The shoes are also of chamois leather. |