Ethnographiska, Historiska och Statistiska Anmärkningar. 269



Ethnographiska, Historiska och Statistiska Anmärkningar. 269


470 v[erst] till
Tomsk is situated on the River Tom at N56°29′19″ E84°57′08″. Founded at the beginning of the 17th century, the town quickly became an important point of trade and transit further east to Siberia. At the beginning of the 19th century, Tomsk became the administrative centre of the Governorate of Tomsk, consisting roughly of south-western Siberia. (Gubernii Rossijskoj imperii: 305)

525 v[erst] till
Krasnojarsk is situated on the Yenisei at N56°0′28″ E92°51′32″. From 1822 onwards, it was the administrative centre of the Governorate of Enisejsk and had ca. 7000 inhabitants in 1840. (Gubernii Rossijskoj imperii: 110; Statističeskija tablicy: 12) (TS)

317 till
The Yenisei flows into the Kara Sea at N71°49′46″ E82°42′57″. (TS)
470 versts to Tomsk
525 versts to Krasnojarsk
317 versts to the Yenis[ei]
The River Čižapka flows into the River Vasjugan. GVR
Sam[ojediska] ᵔCȃs̑ap=kî
ᵔCeshapka (Wai-jogan), 100 verst ifrån
mynningen af
The River Vasjugan flows into the River Obʹ. GVR
Upprinner liksom Wasjugan på Ba-
rabanska kärren. Wid denna
flod bo
Narym Samoyed refers to a regional community of the Selkups. See [225-].
Samojeder. Flo-
den är endast bebodd vid den södra
delen. Den norra besökes blott
af jägare. (Wasjugan är bebodd
ända till sina yttersta källor.

The Čeržabka. In Samoyed ᵔCȃs̑ap=kî

The ᵔCeshapka (Wai-jogan), 100 versts from the mouth of the Wasjugan.

Its source, like the source of the Wasjugan, is in the Baraban bogland. The Narym Samoyed live by this river. There is settlement only in the southern part of the river. Only hunters visit the northern part. (There is settlement by the Wasjugan up to its furthest sources.)

The River Salat flows into the Čižapka. GVR
Salát 50 verst norr om mynningen
af Çiȇ. - bebodd af Wasjug[anska] Ostjj.[Ostjaker]
Båda falla ifrån högra sidan. Ofven
ifrån samma sida.
The Xalat (Salát), 50 versts to the north from the mouth of af Çiȇ. – populated by Wasjugan Ostyaks.

Both rivers fall from the right side.

The River Njurolʹka flows into the Vasjugan. GVR
(Sarang jach Ostj[akiska]) bebodd
af Wasjug[anska] Ostjj.[Ostjaker], utgår ur en
sjö kallad
According to the State Water Register (Gosudarstvennyj vodnyj reestr), Lake Karaulovskoe discharges into the Njurelka. GVR

The River Purelʹka, mentioned by Bojaršinova (1960: 59) as a tributary of the Vasjugan.

The River Kvenelʹga, also mentioned by Bojaršinova (1960: 59) as a tributary of the Vasjugan.

små floder ifrån
Barab[anska] kärren.
The Barapa plain or steppe is a lowland area situated between the Rivers Obʹ and Irtyš.
The Njúrelka (Sarang jach in Ostyak) is populated by the Wasjugan Ostyaks. It originates from a lake called Emder-Toch.
2. The Purelka
1. The Kvenelka are small rivers from the Baraban boglands.
Wasjugan,=(Elle=jogan Ostj[akiska] Elle, stor).
Wargî, Samoj[ediska] (wark, stor)
Söder om kyrkan finnas kor.
Maloj Wasjugan 40? en dagsresa från Ob.

The Wasjugan (Elle=jogan in Ostyak. Elle, ʻlarge’).

The Wargî, Samoyed (wark, ʻlarge’)

There are cattle south of the church.

The Maloj Wasjugan 40? [versts], a day’s journey from the Ob.

Obs. Wid
The River Parabel’ flows into the Obʹ. GVR
bo äfven Samojj.[Samojeder].
NB: There are also Samoyeds living by the River Parabel.