Ethnographiska, Historiska och Statistiska Anmärkningar. 268
Ethnographiska, Historiska och Statistiska Anmärkningar. 268
Häebide puedara.
Черная. vester härom
Хэбидя пэдара ʻSacred woods’. A spruce forest and river with the same name in the Bolʹšezemelʹskaja tundra. Currently, the River More-Ju flows into Xajpudyr Bay in the Barents Sea at N68°18′58″ E59°40′58″ GVR (Schrenk 1848: 313–314)
Urdožskoe ozero at N67°14′11″ E50°10′17″. (TS)
Малый камень
njuoljiko pae.Malyj kamenʹ (TN Нëляко пай)
The River Korotaicha flows into the Pečora Sea. According to Schrenk, it is called “jadájjagha, d.i. abschüssiger Fluss [Ядайяга (Покатая река)]” in Tundra Nenets. TN едëй ʻslope’. (Schrenk 1848: 330; Šrenk 2009: 225) (TaS, KL) GVR
The River Malaja Oju discharges into the Jugorskij Šar.
Häebide puedara. The Černaja. to the west from here Urier Malyj kamenʹ ‘njuoljiko pae’. The Korotaika The Ojo |