Strödda ethnographiska anteckningar. 001



Strödda ethnographiska anteckningar. 001


Rituals of sacrifice, TN хан, have been of special interest for many who have described Nenets culture. The reindeer is a typical sacrificial animal, although fish or pray animals can also be sacrificed. Additionally, there can be rituals in which no animal is sacrificed (TN хаңор”). For descriptions of rituals around the same time, see Schrenk 1848: 405-408: Veniamin 1855: 120)
man offrar åt
See [bolvan].
renhufvudet i ett på en stång midt 
för bolvanen, och så att stången
står högre än bolvanen. Obs. I hufvudet
stick göres ett hål, så att det ej nedfaller
If they sacrifice to a bolvan, they set a reindeer head on a pole right before the bolvan so that the pole stands higher than the bolvan. NB: They make a hole in the head so that it does not fall down.
Men om man offrar åt
See [Num].
gör man
en urgröpt, trågartad, maschin, borras
i midten ett hål, ställer tråget i ändan
af en stång. Äfven åt Num gifvas 
hufvud och ben. Man trodde, att
Num bor на верху och derföre ställdes
offret на верху. Wid offret förek[allas].
See [när].
l[eller]. ord. Offren måste göras
i morgonrodnaden, kan ock göras på da-
gen, men alldrig om aftonen.
See [Qvinnor].

ej göra offret.
Bolvanes ansiqte måste vara riktad
åt morgonrodnaden.
But if they sacrifice to Num, they carve a trough-like device with a hole drilled in the middle. A pole is put through the hole. The head and legs are also given to Num. They believe that Num lives above and therefore the offering is placed above. Many prayers or words are uttered during the offering. The sacrifices must be made in the dawn; they can also be made in the daytime, but never in the evening. Women are not allowed to make offerings. The face of the bolvans must be directed towards the dawn.