Samojederne spisa ett
om dagen, somintäges på aftonen.
The Samoyeds eat one main meal a day, which is in the evening.
Samojederne äta otroligt; men besitta tillikader wanan att uthärda hunger i fleredagar.…
Samojederne besitta kunsten att med knifvensirligt förfärdiga diverse husgeråd. Deras
On constructing sledges, see Golovnev, Kukanov & Perevalova 2018: 204–207. On drums, see Chomič 1966: 214–215 and IEAS 1961: 437, 451–452.…
och å hvardera sidan finnas tvenne, och emellandem finnes en tvärstånge
TN ти denotes the two horizontal poles at the height of 1.5 metres attached to each other and сымзы in the back of the tent and to the tent poles on both sides…
Beståndsdelarne i en Samojedisk kåta
TN мяʺ(д) ʻtent’. The conical Nenets tent was described by most researchers and travellers who worked among the Nenets. Castrén is here describing the winter tent. Despite the furs, the tent…
TN имбыт”(д) ʻshirt, women’s dressʼ. According to Chomič, имбытʺ denotes a men’s parka made of fabric and worn over TN мальця. Имбытʺ is flaring and has wider armholes than мальця. (Chomič 1966: 118; Tereščenko 2003: 143;…
ränder omvexlande med svarta och hvita färger. Bolshesem[elska]. Samojed[er].bara på malitsas hsk[hundskinn]. qvinnorna på på paniih hundskinsfåll:werlek hjelpa sig Samojederne endast med malitsa, hken[hvilken], föratt ej blifva våt, är…
TN сава ʻhat’. According to Chomič, there are several types of hats among the Nenets women and Castrén’s description comes close to TN няндуй (сава), a semi-circular hat with long earflaps and two decorated reindeer skin belts…
Cap. 3. Boningssätt, klädedrägt, spis och matlagning.
Chapter III. Housing, clothing, stove, and cooking.
Paniìh (Паница)
Castrén is here describing what is called TN тарявʹ пани or таряха пани. For a detailed discussion…
Renslädor.en lång en stång
TN харей ʻdriving pole’. A similar description of a driving position is given by Golovnev, Kukanov & Perevalova 2018: 208.
af 3-4 aln[ar]s längdhvarmed han sticker renarne i sidan och vid benendå…
Renslädor och andra körredskapSamojederne bruka ej
Presumably, a loan from the Sami kieris, geres ‘pulka, sledge’, referring to a low sledge without runners typically used among the Sami in Nordic countries.
såsom Lapparne,…
Huru renen förespännes
How the reindeer are harnessed
One of the first descriptions of reindeer harnessing can be found in Zuev 1947: 88–91. Castrén’s description here is partly misleading. According to Chomič’s…
Såsom Pallas
Pallas 1776: 74; 1788: 99–100. As Pallas notes in his text, he relies on Zuev when writing about the Khanty and Nenets. Some of Zuev’s manuscripts were published posthumously. For names, see Zuev 1947: 65–67.
Wid dödsfall
Most details come up in travelogues dating back to the 18th and 19th centuries. Chomič built an overall picture of the burial customs and death-related beliefs on the basis of sources from different places and times. (Chomič…
See Pallas 1776: 70–74; 1788: 94–96.
anm[ärker]., får en qvinna alldrig gåifrån ena sidan af tältet till den andrabakom eldstaden, utan wid
A practice related to the spatial complex opened in comment…
There exists a spatial complex related to women, camp, and reindeer herding and hunting equipment among the Nenets. The complex goes back to the notions of хэвадалана ʻforbidden’, and хэбëда ʻsinful’, which are related to…
Många i s[ynner]het Obdorska Samojeder fånga fisklägre ned wid Ob och lemna sina renaråt någon rik anförwandt
till hösten.
See [af andra Samojj.].
Några rika lemna le-gohjon och barn att fiska widOb, men färdas sjelfva på tundran.De…
This seems to be a quotation from someone, and as such a rare example of inscription in the notebook that otherwise tends to present archival materials or data based on Castrén’s observations. The quotation most probably reflects…
De Kaninska och Timanska Samojederna dragasig om hösten med första vinter färd ner tillMesen, Somsja, Nes dels ska att försales för attskaffa sig bröd, krut och andra förnödenheter.Många fara till marknaden i Pinega den6te Dec[ember] g[am]la…