Ethnographiska, historiska och statistiska anmärkningar. 101



Ethnographiska, historiska och statistiska anmärkningar. 101


och å hvardera sidan finnas tvenne, och emellan
dem finnes en tvärstånge
TN ти denotes the two horizontal poles at the height of 1.5 metres attached to each other and сымзы in the back of the tent and to the tent poles on both sides of the door. (Chomič 1966: 106)
Ifrån tvärstången
TN па”(д) denotes a bar with holes drilled on top and a hook under it. Паʺ is slipped into TN пад’ ню, a wooden or steel bar hanging on TN ти. Pots and tea kettles are hung on the паʺ over the fire. (Chomič 1966: 106; Golovnev, Kukanov & Perevalova 2018: 226)
hvarifrån grytorna äro nedhänga
på en krok (  ). I Pa'ah finnas hål, genom
hvilka stickor fasthålla den öfver tjih. Stickorna
TN пад” ябта” ʻthe thin sticks’ (Tereščenko 2003: 455). (TaS, KL)
and on each side there are two poles. Between them, there is a bar, tjih. The pa'ah from which the pots are hung on a hook, hangs from the tjih. In the pa’ah there are holes through which sticks hold it over the tjih. The sticks are called paadojaaptaa.