Ethnographiska, historiska och statistiska anmärkningar. 099



Ethnographiska, historiska och statistiska anmärkningar. 099


TN имбыт”(д) ʻshirt, women’s dressʼ. According to Chomič, имбытʺ denotes a men’s parka made of fabric and worn over TN мальця. Имбытʺ is flaring and has wider armholes than мальця. (Chomič 1966: 118; Tereščenko 2003: 143; Golovnev, Kukanov & Perevalova 2018: 238)
skjorta, bäres af några få och är ett
lån af Ryssarne.
Jimbuitta, a shirt, worn by a few and is a loan from the Russians.
Most likely a misunderstanding by Castrén. TN икадʹʹ ʻcollar’. Belt would be TN ни. (TaS, KL)
är prydd utsirad med messings prydnader.
The belt Jih is adorned with brass decorations.
TN таʺнëʺ ʻbraids’. Chomič described таʹнë similarly, albeit in more detail as an extension of natural braids made of fabric and fur and connected to each other with pearl or metal decorations. Additionally, there are decorations made of metal, chamois, or fabric at the end of the braid ribbons. Beginning from the back of one’s neck and stretching under the waist, the lace covers the braids and is left under the belt worn by a woman. Altogether, the piece might be of considerable weight and jingles as the woman moves. In the Eastern areas, known as TN ңэбтʹ. (Chomič 1966: 130–131)
långa, hänga stundom ned till hälarne
af band, betäckta med knappar och annan
grannlåt. Sådana bära båda Ostjj[Ostjaker]. och Samojj[Samojeder]. vanl[igen].
Plaits (Tanjõ) long, sometimes hanging down to the heels. Ribbons, covered with buttons and other trinkets. Both Ostyaks and Samoyeds wear these, usually two.
Samojeder dels raka sitt hår, dels bära länga nedhangande

The Samoyeds partly cut their hair and partly have long hair.