Ethnographiska, historiska och statistiska anmärkningar. 060



Ethnographiska, historiska och statistiska anmärkningar. 060


See Pallas 1776: 70–74; 1788: 94–96.
anm[ärker]., får en qvinna alldrig gå
ifrån ena sidan af tältet till den andra
bakom eldstaden, utan wid
A practice related to the spatial complex opened in comment [Qvinnor]. This practice goes back to the structure of the conical tent, мяʺ [meäh], virtually divided into two halves by a sacred line that crosses the tent from the back, сиʹ, to the door. Сиʹ is considered sacred and pure in contrast to the sacral impurity of the women. (Chomič 1966: 185; Golovnev & Osherenko 1999: 37)
kommer wargen under natten i renhjorden.
As Pallas notes, a woman must never walk from one side of the tent to the other behind the fireplace, but through the side where the door is. Otherwise a wolf will come into the reindeer herd during the night.
Wid månads=tider får qvinnan ej sysselsätta
sig med matlagning, ej sy eller sysselsätta sig
med något. De rökas jemt.

While menstruating, women are not allowed to prepare food, sew, or occupy themselves with anything. They are smoked regularly.

Wid födelsen måste man och hustru bekän-
na sina synder för accouch.
Chomič notes that some elderly women might act as midwives, who would put up a special tent for the labour and support a woman in labour. Alternatively, a woman could give birth alone or with the help of female relatives. Men should not be present. Confessing sins, particularly adultery, was considered to prevent difficult labour. (Chomič 1966: 177–180.)

When a woman is giving birth, she and her husband must confess their sins to the midwife.