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The Fennica volume consists of two parts. The first part is devoted to the Kalevala, the Finnish national epic published by Elias Lönnrot in 1835. Castrén was the first scholar to translate the entire epic into any language other than Finnish, in…

Liket See [den döde]. föres ut ge.[genom] bakväggen med huf-vudet förut. The corpse is taken out through the back wall head-first.

IfrånFrom Kolwa tillto Synja flod 40 IfrånFrom Synja tillto Adzjwa 90 Till To Korsa (flod)Korsa (river) 40 Till To Chulmor (flod)Chulmor…

verstversts Ifrån From Hfors till to Torneå genom ÅboTorneå via Åbo 1165 Ifrån From Torneå till to Rovaniemi 125 Ifrån From Rovaniemi…

Name Family Name Family Ацелю Юндоминъ Acelju Jundomin'' Лава Lava Пирчико Pirčiko Тебелома Tebeloma Ныгара Nygara Хазаватко Chazavatko

Bolshesemelska Samojeder 1. Tisii Тысъя. One of the six main branches of the European Nenets families (Dolgich 1970: 9–10; Chomič 1976: 108). See also [Вануйти]. 2. Nogotisii Nogotysij. Corresponds to TN Нохо’ Тысъя, fe. Нохоʹ…

Du mitt god, This is a translation of a Komi wedding lament. See Castrén 2019: 495–499. min hulda faderSamla ätter, dubbla stammar Red en aftonvard, förträffligTillred så en präktig måltidGif åt dem en präktig måltidGör et gladt och…

Kaaᵔal kî, The Tym flows into the Obˈ from the right (north) at N59°25′55″ E80°1′40″. (TS). GVR Tym, Kaal=kî l.[eller] köng (ifr[ån] F[inska] köngäs) Harne-Käragal-kî, The River Parabel’ flows into the Obʹ. GVR Parabel rinner…

470 v[erst] till Tomsk Tomsk is situated on the River Tom at N56°29′19″ E84°57′08″. Founded at the beginning of the 17th century, the town quickly became an important point of trade and transit further east to Siberia. At the beginning of…

Häebide puedara. Хэбидя пэдара ʻSacred woods’. A spruce forest and river with the same name in the Bolʹšezemelʹskaja tundra. Currently, the River More-Ju flows into Xajpudyr Bay in the Barents Sea at N68°18′58″ E59°40′58″ GVR (Schrenk…

Юняга The River Jun-Jaga flows into the River Lemva. GVR från öster fr[ån] Ural Pagajaga The River Paga flows into the River Lemva. GVR från öster fr[ån] Ural Харута The River Charuta flows into the Lemva. GVR från öster…

Till Uusa falla Черная The River Černaja flows into the Barents Sea at N68°36ʹ44ʹʹ E56°35ʹ22ʹʹ. (Tschud ju) från norr. Sыnja, The Bol’šaja Synja, flowing into the Usa from the left (south) at N65°58′20″ E58°1′16″. (TS) från…

Tsilma, The following represents a list of the rivers in the Bolʹšezemelʹskaya tundra. The River Cilˈma flows into the Pečora from the left (west) at N65°26′33″ E52°5′41″. (KL, TS) 250 verst fr[ån]. Pustosersk Pustozersk is the…

Wanoita See [Вануйти] Japtik Ябтик, fe. Ябтийʹ, Ябтикыʹ (Tereščenko 2003: 824) Puiku Пуйко, fe. Пуйкоиʹ, Пуйкуйʹ. According to Chomič, Пуйко is a branch of the fratry of Вануйто (Tereščenko 2003: 487; Chomič 1976:…

[Pages 247–261 were filled in upside down. The page order has been reversed and page 261 has been reordered between 256 and 255, where it reads better.] De Bolshsemelska Obdorska Samojj.[Samojerna] The following pages concentrate on the…

Samojediska qvinnor i Obdorsk bäraen stor, blank jern=ring öfver magen. TN ниʹ мара or ниʹ еся. Large copper or iron clasps used by women (also west of the Ural Mountains) as decoration and in order to tie the belt over their coats (Amelina…

Samojediska ätter (jierkka) TN еркар. See [роды]. i Obdorska volosten Samoyed families (jierkka) in the Obdorsk volost I. Paenjaangы TN пэʹ яңгы ʻthose who live in the stone land’, corresponds to the Ru kamennye ‘stony’. They…

Jādnie Ядне, Ядня, fe. Ядныʹ. According to Chomič, Ядне is a branch of the fratry of Харючи (Chomič 1976: 110; Tereščenko 2003: 828) ~Adér, Ңадерʹʹ, Адер, fe. Ңадеройʹ. According to Chomič, Ңадерʹʹ is a branch of the fratry of…

stamfurstes rättigheter the rights of the clan prince [[the page is upside down]]

Samojeder och Ostjaker erkänna samma Ostjak=knäs, See [ostjak-knäs]. som dömmer och afgör smärre striderdem emellan, har uppsigt wid uppbördenaf skatten, som uppbäres af Starschini widden Obdorska marknaden. The Samoyeds and Ostyaks…
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