Ethnographiska, historiska och statistiska anmärkningar. 256



Ethnographiska, historiska och statistiska anmärkningar. 256


Samojediska ätter
TN еркар. See [роды].
i Obdorska volosten
Samoyed families (jierkka) in the Obdorsk volost
TN пэʹ яңгы ʻthose who live in the stone land’, corresponds to the Ru kamennye ‘stony’. They both refer to Nenets moving on the slopes of the Urals and the Yamal Peninsula. (Alekseev (ed.) 2010: 42, 311). See [tasinjaangy]; [nizovye].
(Верховые), de vid Ural. venster om Ob
  1. Harjuci,
    TN Харючи, Харюци fe. Харючиʹ, Харëйʹ. One of the largest families in Yamal and Tajmyr Peninsulas. It has also been suggested to represent one of the exogamic groups of the Nenets, the other being Ванойта. (Chomič 1976: 102–103; Dolgich 1970: 9–14; Tereščenko 2003: 749, 754)
    en stor ätt, som delas i särskilda afdelningar grenar, såsom
    TN Тусида, Тусяда, fe. Тудядыʹ. According to Chomič, Тусяда is a branch of the fratry of Харючи (Tereščenko 2003: 677; Chomič 1976: 108)
    Seera deta
    TN Сэродэта, fe. Сэродэтэйʹ. According to Chomič, Сэродэта is a branch of the fratry of Харючи (Tereščenko 2003: 585; Chomič 1976: 107)
    Хораля, fe. Хорэлиʹ. According to Chomič, Хораля is a branch of the fratry of Харючи. (Tereščenko 2003: 772; Chomič 1976: 109)
  2. Wanoità,
    äfven en stor ätt, som sönder-
    faller i 3ne[trenne] grenar, bland hvilka tvenne bära namnet
    Ябтик, fe. Ябтийʹ, Ябтикыʹ (Tereščenko 2003: 824)
    Пуйко, fe. Пуйкоиʹ, Пуйкуйʹ. According to Chomič, Пуйко is a branch of the fratry of Вануйто (Tereščenko 2003: 487; Chomič 1976: 107)
  3. Jiesangы
    Езыннгы, Еснгы, fe. Еснгыʹ. According to Chomič, the family has Ostyak, in other words Khanty, background. (Tereščenko 2003: 109–110; Chomič 1976: 104)
  4. Lamdo
    Ламдо, fe. Ламдойʹ. According to Chomič, Ламдо is a branch of the fratry of Вануйто (Tereščenko 2003: 174–175; Chomič 1976: 104)
  5. Taemeä.
    Тэ мяʹʹ, Тэмя, fe. Тэмядыʹ, Тэмядэйʹ. According to Chomič, Тэ мяʹʹ is a branch of the fratry of Вануйто (Tereščenko 2003: 684, 689; Chomič 1976: 109)
I. Paenjaangы (upper), in the Urals, left bank of the Ob
  1. Harjuci, a large clan, which is divided into branches, such as the Tusida, Seera deta, Hoorilie, etc.
  2. Wanoità, also a large clan, which is divided into three branches, among which two bear the names Jabtik and Puiku.
  3. Jiesangы
  4. Lamdo
  5. Taemeä. Wanuita
TN тасиʹ яңгы ʻthose who live on the lowlands’ corresponds to the Russian expression nizovye ‘lower’. They both refer to Nenets living on the lowlands of the Rivers Nadym, Taz, and Pur and the shores of the Taz Gulf up to the River Yenisei. (Alekseev (ed.) 2010: 242, 311). See [paenjaangy]; [nizovye].
(Nisovie), höger om Ob
  1. Harjuci
    See [Harjuchi]
    , sonderfaller i ätter grenar, af hvilka

en bär det särk[ildta]. namnet af

Ябтоңэ, Яптунай, Яптуне, fe. Ябтойʹ. According to Chomič, Ябтоңэ is a branch of the fratry of Харючи. (Tereščenko 2003: 824; Chomič 1976: 104)
  1. Anu ~Garjuci
    Ңаноʹ Харючи, Анагуричи. According to Chomič, Ңаноʹ Харючи is a branch of the fratry of Харючи (Tereščenko 2003: 384; Chomič 1976: 106)
    (Juhu-peeliko Ostj[akiska].), sönderfalla i 3 afd[elningar]., nomadiserande vid
    The River Poluj flows into the River Obʹ 291 km from its mouth. GVR
  1. Nienjang-Harjuci
    Неняңгʹ Харючи. According to Chomič, Неняңгʹ (Харючи) is a branch of the fratry of Харючи (Chomič 1976: 105)
II. Tasinjaangы (lower), the right bank of the Ob
  1. Harjuci, divided into eight branches, of which one has the name Japtongae.
  2. Anu ~Garjuci (Juhu-peeliko in Ostyak), is divided into three branches, nomadising by the River Poluj.
  3. Nienjang-Harjuci

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