Ethnographiska, Historiska och Statistiska Anmärkningar. 266



Ethnographiska, Historiska och Statistiska Anmärkningar. 266


Till Uusa falla
The River Černaja flows into the Barents Sea at N68°36ʹ44ʹʹ E56°35ʹ22ʹʹ.
(Tschud ju) från norr.
The Bol’šaja Synja, flowing into the Usa from the left (south) at N65°58′20″ E58°1′16″. (TS)
från norr.
The River Olʹchovej (Olʹchovaja) flows into the River Usa. GVR
från norr.
The River Bolʹšaja Makaricha flows into the River Usa. GVR
från norr
Possibly the River Bolʹšaja Usa (Sart-ju). GVR
fl.[flod] från söder
The River Zaostrennaja flows into the River Usa. GVR
från söder
TN Хирмор or Хырмор (Komi Adzˈva) flows into the Usa from the right (north) at N66°35′16″ E59°21′49″. (TS, KL)
fr[ån]. norr

The following rivers flow into the Uusa:

The Černaja (Tschud ju), from the north.

The Sыnja, from the north.

The Olʹchovaja, from the north.

2. The Makarika, from the north.
1. The River Scharju, from the south.

The Zaostronnyj, from the South.

The Chyrmorʹʹ, from the north

The River Charuta-Ju flows into the River Adzʹva. GVR
från öster 40 fr[ån] <-->
The River Chaseda-Ju flows into the River Adzʹva. GVR
«Xosjeda utgör hällften af Хыrmor.»
fr[ån] vester, 7 verst <->
Nierju ju,
The River Neru-Ju flows into the River Adzʹva. GVR
fr[ån] vester, 60 fr[ån] <-->
The River Bolʹšaja Njadejta flows into the River Adzʹva. GVR
fr[ån] öster, 60 nordlig

The Charuta from the east 40 [versts] from <-->

The Chaseda, «The Xosjeda is half the size of Хыrmor.» from the west, 7 versts <-> 

The Nierju ju, from the west, 60 [versts] from <-->

The Njadaei-jaga, from the east, 60 northern

The River Bolʹšaja Adakʹju flows into the River Usa. GVR
(2), bäck, fr. den ena från norr, den andra
fr[ån]. vester - midt emot hdra[hvarandra]. 15 verst norr.
The River Povarnica flows into the River Usa. GVR
30 v[erst] fr[ån] Adak från söder
The Kosʹju, flowing into the Usa from the left (south) at N66°17′51″ E59°52′55″. Its headwaters are situated in the Urals. (TS)
den största - halfva Uusa - från söder.
mycket djup - klart vatten. Faller från <Uusa>.
Bottnet synligt gl[genom] 4 famnar. Biflod:
The River Kožim flows into the Kosʹju. GVR

The River Bolʹšoj Kocmes flows into the Usa. GVR
10 v[erst] fr[ån] Kosja
The Rogovaja or Verchnjaja Rogovaja or Bolʹšaja Rogovaja flows into the Usa from the right (north) at N66°30′13″ E60°37′1″. (TS)
(2)= Rögowej. den nedre liten, den öfre stor, större än Хырмор.
Ольховая, 45 från Хузм. från norr.
The Lemva (Lëmva) flows into the Usa from the left (south) at N66°30′15″ E61°59′24″. (TS)
mkt[mycket] stor-klart vatten. <--> falla.

The *Adak (2), brook, only one from the north, another from the west – opposite each other. 15 versts from the north.

The Povarnica, 30 versts from Adak from the south.

The Kosja, the largest – half of the Uusa – from the south. Extremely deep, clear water. Flows from the Uusa. Visibility to the bottom four fathoms. Tributary: the Kožimʹʹ.

The Kocmes, 10 versts from the Kosja.

The Chuzmorʹʹ (2)= Rögowej. The lower is small, the upper large, larger than the Chyrmor.

The Olʹchovaja, 45 [versts] from the Chyzmorʹʹ, from the north.

The Ljomwa, extremely large, clear water. .. <--> flows into [missing].