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II. Tiунскаго или Тиманскаго береговъalla ätter tillsammantagne utgörs 379. III. Канинской тундры Tillsamman 429 Anm[ärka]. Dessa utgöra de skattbetalandesantal för år 1843. Alla samtlige 2377 skattbt. / Köppen Peter von Köppen (Pëtr…

1. Pustoserka Sloboden1. Under the administration of Pustozersk Skattbetalande Number of…

Samojedernes antal i Mesenska kretsen: See [Mezen uezd]. The number of Samoyeds in the Mezen' uezd I. Устцылемскаго ведомства Большеземельских крещен ныхъI. Under the administration of Ust-Cylem, Bolshezemelsk…

Samojederne delar sig i stammar (роды), The picture of Nenets communities began to evolve in the publications based on the Academic expeditions of the 18th century and later in the 19th century, when larger archival materials and First…

Kaninska The following tables list the Nenets families and the number of Nenets taxpayers. The categories are somewhat disordered in Castrén’s notes. In the early 19th century, the Nenets living in the Arkhangelʹsk oblastʹ were…

Floder på Kanin Nos Rivers on Kanin Nos Fallande i Hvita hafvet: 1. Чиза, 2. Волосова, The River Volosova flows into Lake Beloe. (GVR) 3. Кия, The River Bolʹšaja Kija flows into Lake Beloe. (GVR) 4. Шоина The River…

«från камень траванка faller i Wolonga.» The River Volonga flows into Čëša Bay. TN хэвды ʻrib, side’. (GVR) (TaS, KL) «from Kamenʹ the Travanka flows into the Wolonga.» eydi, här finnas björnar) 25. Svoina The River Suvojnaja…

Floder: 1) Pija The River Pyja, a tributary of the Mezenʹ. N65°58′29″ E44°13′34″ (GVR) Рыя, 20 verst från Mesen, 1 hus vid utloppet. 2) Somsja, The River Sëmža, north of Mezenʹ, has its source in Lake Sëmža. N66°11′03″ E44°40′07″…

Addition at the end of the page: «Канинскiй камень, på Samoj[e]d[isk]: Sale-paj. Тиманскiй камень, på Samoj[edisk]»Ifrån Mesen till Nes Nesʹ is situated on the shore of the River Nesʹ (TN Хэйяха) near the west coast of Kanin Nos at…

Cap. 1 There are several texts related to this one in Castrén’s manuscripts, which relates to the importance of the description of the landscape and settlements within the field of ethnography. This is also included in the instructions drawn…

Innehåll Contents Cap 1. p. 1-48 Chapter I Orters läge Location of places Orters beskaffenhet Characteristics of places Berg, floder, sjöar, haf Mountains, rivers, lakes, the…
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