Ethnographiska, historiska och statistiska anmärkningar. 003



Ethnographiska, historiska och statistiska anmärkningar. 003


Cap. 1
There are several texts related to this one in Castrén’s manuscripts, which relates to the importance of the description of the landscape and settlements within the field of ethnography. This is also included in the instructions drawn up for Castrén, which indicates the inherent link between ethnography and geography and developing an understanding of space as one important defining factor for ethno-linguistic communities (Gibson 2022). The beginning of Chapter I until the end of page 007 can be related to “Bidrag till Mesenska kretsens hydrografi”, written in early 1845 (Castrén 1870: 120–128). The Russian Academy asked Castrén to specify and comment on the earlier knowledge about the rivers in Russia’s European north (Castrén 1870: 120n1).
Chapter I
Kanin Nos
Cape Kanin Nos forms the north-western end of the Kanin Peninsula. N68°39’16” E43°16’35”
omgifves i v[äst] af Hvita Hafvet, i n[ord]. af Ishafvet, i ö[st]. af
Ческая губа.
Čëša Bay (Čëšskaja guba) is situated east of Cape Kanin Nos. (TS)
är belägen 68°18' nord[lig]. bredd, och 61° östlig l[än]g[d] fr[ån] Ferro.
Kanin Nos is located at a latitude of 68°18' north, and a longitude of 61° east from Ferro.
Святой Nos
Cape Svjatoj Nos is on the north-eastern coast of the Kanin Peninsula at N68°8′54″ E39°46′16″. (TS)
[är belägen] 67˚53' [nordlig bredd] 57 1/2 [˚ östlig längd]
Svyatoi Nos is located at a latitude of 67˚53' north and a longitude of 57 1/2˚ east.
Kaninska hallfön, hvars nordl[iga]. spets kls [kallas] Kanin Nos. Förut skiljdes dna [denna] halfö från sydl[iga]. delen af
Mezenʹ is a town at the mouth of the river of the same name, N65°50′39″ E44°14′47″. In Castrén’s time it had ca. 1600 inhabitants. (Statističeskija tablicy 1840: 2.) (TS)
genom tvenne för sina söta vatten berömda floder
The River Čiža (TN Оду) in the southern part of the Kanin Peninsula, flows into the White Sea. N67°05′29″ E44°24′11″ (GVR)
som föll i Hvita hafvet och
The River Čëša (TN Падра) in the southern part of the Kanin Peninsula, flows into the Čëšskaja guba, Barents Sea. N67°18′23″ E44°50′07″ (GVR)
som hade sitt utlopp i Ческая губа. Dessa floder hade sin upprinnelse från samma sjö, och genom dessa samtlige watten fördades man med små båtar mellan Mesenska och Kaninska landet; men nu är denna sjö vorden till ett mossbevuxet
The route is known as Čëškij volok, ‘the Čëškij route’, and one could reach the Barents Sea from the White Sea without going round the Kanin Peninsula using the route. It leads from the upper reaches of the River Čiža, through Lakes Parusnoe and Melkoe and a swamp, and into the upper reaches of the River Čëša (Žitkov 1904: 22–41).
The Kanin Peninsula, whose northern end is called Kanin Nos, is surrounded by the White Sea in the west, by the Arctic Ocean in the north, and by Českaja Bay in the east. Previously, the peninsula was separated in the south from [the town of] Mezen' by two rivers famous for their sweet waters: the Čiža, which flowed into the White Sea, and the Češa, which had its outlet in Českaja guba. These rivers originated from the same lake, and they moved between the lands of Mezen' and Kanin through these waters in small boats. However, the lake has become a moss-covered marsh by now.
Från detta ställe sträcker sig Kaninska halfön 150 verst mot
norr. Hela Kaninska landet är sten, och utgöres af bergssträckningar, som löpa från norr till söder. Mellan dem finnas moras på hka [hvilka] Samojedernes renar lifnära
sig af den här växande renmossan.
Kaninska bergsträckningen
Kanin kamenʹ is a ridge in the northern part of the Kanin Peninsula. N68°17′57″ E44°59′31″
sänker sig och fortsades genom Ческая губа till andra sidan af viken, bär derefter namnet af
Timanska eller Tiuska kamen
Timanskij krjaž, ʻTiman Ridge’, is a ridge around 950 km long in the Timan tundra. N64°35′55″ E50°24′24″
(каменскiй l.[eller]
Tiускiй камень), som ännu synes vid floden
The River Vyčegda has its source in the Timan Ridge and flows into the Northern Dvina at Kotlas. N61°54′55″ E50°57′52″ (GVR)
Från dna[denna] bergssträckning
löpa floden åt öster och söder till
The River Pečora (TN Санэроʺ яха) flows into the Barents Sea. N63°57′16″ E56°39′59″ (GVR)
och Вычегда, åt ve-
ster till Mesen; ja sjelfva
The River Mezenʹ flows into the Arctic Ocean. N65°11′51″ E46°24′47″ (GVR)
tager härifrån sin upprinnelse.
From this place the Kanin peninsula extends 150 versts towards the north. The whole Kanin peninsula consists of rock, mountain ranges that run from north to south. Between them, there are swamps where the reindeer of the Samoyeds pasture, eating the reindeer moss growing there. The Kanin mountain range becomes lower and continues through Českaja guba to the other side of the bay, which bears the name Timanska or Tiuska kamen' (kamenskij or Tiuskij kamenʹ). The mountain range is still visible by the River Vyčegda. From this mountain range, the rivers flow eastward and southward to Pechera and Vyčegada and to the west to Mezen'. The River Mezen' itself has its source here.
På denna bergsrygg synas på många ställen Schiffer-lager, och dfr.[derföre]
flyta i några floder neftan-källor (нефтьнныя капи), hvaraf man kan
sluta, att deri finnes stenkol (флеци каменнаго уголья). Dessutom
finnes der i mängd svafvel-kis och koppar-ämne.
On this ridge, Schiffer bearings can be seen in many places, and therefore in some rivers, one can see oil springs (neftjannyja kapi) flowing, from which one can conclude that there exists coal (fleci kamennago ugolʹja). In addition, pyrites and copper are found in abundance.
Kaninska stranden sträcker sig till
The River Pëša (Tëša) flows into Češskaja Guba Bay at N66°53′38″ E47°34′28″. (GVR) (TS, KL)
här vidläger Timan-
ska stranden och sträcker sig till Petshora. En del af
Timanska tundran kls[kallas] Малая земля
The Timan tundra is a plain (TN Лапта) stretching from the River Pëša to Pečora Bay. Contrary to what Castrén suggests, Malaja zemlja or the Malozemelʹskaja tundra (TN Нюдя я) is a narrower area between the Rivers Indiga and Pečora. (NAO-ES, 154, 256–257),
d[et]. ä[r].
halfön emellan
Колокольковская губа
Guba Kolokolʹkova, ʻKolokolʹkova Bay’, is situated west of Pečora Bay. The River Neruta flows into Kolokolʹkova Bay.
Petshora viken.
Pečorskaja guba, Pečora Bay is a gulf of the River Pečora in the Barents Sea.
The Kanin coast stretches to Peša, where it joins the Timan coast and extends to Pečora. Part of the Timan tundra is called Malaja zemlja (Laptah), in other words the peninsula between Kolokolʹkovskaja guba and Pečora Bay.