Ethnographiska, historiska och statistiska anmärkningar. 005



Ethnographiska, historiska och statistiska anmärkningar. 005


Floder: 1)
The River Pyja, a tributary of the Mezenʹ. N65°58′29″ E44°13′34″ (GVR)
Рыя, 20 verst från Mesen, 1 hus vid utloppet. 2)
The River Sëmža, north of Mezenʹ, has its source in Lake Sëmža. N66°11′03″ E44°40′07″ (GVR)
40 verst
från Mesen by. <---> Invid
Somsja by
Sëmža on the eastern shore of Mezen’ Bay at N66°8′51″ E44°7′3″. (TS)
utfaller Mesen i Hvita Hafvet.
The River Bolʹšaja Mgla in the Kanin Peninsula flows into the White Sea. Mgla (Verchnaja Mgla) on the eastern shore of Mezenʹ Bay at N66°29′53″ E44°26′50″. (GVR) (TS, KL)
(2 hus,) 70 verst från Mesen. 4)
The River Nesʹ (TN Хэйяха) flows from Lake Nesʹ into the White Sea. N66°27′18″ E44°56′09″ (GVR)
<<kyrka och by>> faller ut 15 verst vid kyrkan, från den
Kaninska kyrkan
The church, situated in Nesʹ and built in 1830–1835, is related to the Orthodox mission that took place in the European Arctic in 1826–1830. Currently, there is a church in the name of the Annunciation of Our Most Holy Lady in Nesʹ, built in 1868. See [omvändelse] (Veniamin 1855; Schrenk 1848: 241-247; Chomič 1979)
i Hvita Hafvet. Vid kyrkan finnes en liten
Rysk by, kld[kallad] Nes efter floden, med 9 ömkliga gårdar, som lifnä-
ra sig genom boskapsskötsel, fiske, jagt och Samojed-
Rivers: 1) the Rija [Pyja], 20 versts from Mezen, one house at the outlet;
2) the Somsja, 40 versts from the village of Mezen. <---> Near the village of Somsja, the River Mezen flows into the White Sea; 3) the Mgla, (two houses,) 70 versts from Mezenʹ; 4) the Nes, << church and village >> flows into the White Sea 15 versts from the Kanin church. At the church there is a small Russian village, called Nes after the river, with nine miserable farmhouses that make their living through livestock farming, fishing, hunting, and trade with the Samoyed; 
The River Elguj flows into the River Nesʹ. (GVR)
«Jolguj-ostroff, ett det enda ställe i tundra der gran växer - Jalka-joki», liten å, faller i Nes, 6)
The River Krutaja flows into the Barents Sea. (GVR)
en liten å, faller i hafvet,
The River Čiža flows into Mezenʹ Bay. (GVR)
faller i Hvita Hafvet. Midt emot löper b)
The River Čëša (TN Падра) in the southern part of the Kanin Peninsula, flows into Čëša Bay (Čëšskaja guba). (GVR)
The River Golubnica flows into the Barents Sea. (GVR)
d) Нина е)
The River Bolʹšoj Perepusk flows into the Barents Sea. (GVR)
f) Kruta, faller i Ческая губа. Medelst dem var Kanin Nos förut afdeladt i en ö, v. f.»
5) the Jolguj, «Jolguj-ostroff, the only place in the tundra where spruce grows – Jalka-joki», a small river, flows into the Nes; 6) the Kruta, a small river, flows into the sea, «a) Чиза, Čiza, flows into the White Sea. On the opposite side of the Kanin Peninsula run b) the Čoša, c) the the Nina е) the Perepuska, f) the Kruta, flowing into the Českaja guba. These rivers formerly made Kanin Nos into an island; see above.»
The Vižas flows into Čëša Bay (Češskaja guba), in the Barents Sea, at N66°49′10″ E46°1′15″. TN сямб ’marsh, swamp’ (GVR) (TaS, TS, KL)
«På Samoj. Saambijaha» med 1 gård, 8)
The River Vorovka flows into Čëša Bay (Češskaja guba), in the Barents Sea. (GVR)
faller i hafvet, 9)
Possibly Rassocha Maloj Krutoj. (GVR)
The River Letinskaja flows into the River Oma. (GVR)
faller i hafvet,
7) the Wiisas «TN Saambijaha» with one farmhouse; 8) the Vorovka, which flows into the sea; 9) the Rossocha; 10) the Le<n>tinska, which flows into the sea;
The River Oma (TN Хэта) flows into Čëša Bay (Češskaja guba) at N66°49′24″ E46°33′36″. (GVR) The first residents of Oma were Old Believers called Kokin, because of whom the village was originally named Kokiny. (NAO-ES, 200) (TS, KL)
«2) Häetáh» (чумище) med
1 hus. 12)
The River Palcevaja flows into the River Oma. (GVR)
The River Panova flows into the River Oma. (GVR)
från sjöar, 14)
The River Omica flows into the Barents Sea. (GVR)
The River Pesčanka flows into the Barents Sea. (GVR)

[faller] i hafvet,  16)
liten Snopa
The River Snopa flows into Čëša Bay (Češskaja guba). The village of Snopa is on the eastern bank of the river. (GVR)
According to Castrén, the River Snopa is called Етаʹ in Tundra Nenets.
med ett hus, 17)
Wis Snopa med ett hus,
Vis Snopa. Komi вис ʻtributary, side stream’. Accordingly, a tributary of the River Snopa.

The River Medvežʹja (GVR) flows into the Small Snopitsa River (Malaja Snopica). (GVR)
<<liten bäck>>, b)
The River Snopica flows into the Barents Sea. (GVR)
[faller] i hafvet, c)
The River Grabëžnaja flows into the Barents Sea. (GVR)
The River Jegorova flows into the River Pëša.
faller i Pjosja» 18)
The River Pëša (Tëša) flows into Čëša Bay (Češskaja Guba) at N66°53′38″ E47°34′28″. (GVR) (TS, KL)
Verxnjaja Pëša is a village on the left bank of the River Pëša. It has been known since the early 19th century. Schrenk notes that in addition to the houses built for the priest and deacon, there was one Russian peasant family making its living from fishing and raising cattle. According to Schrenk, the Nenets name of the river is “Waldfluss[es], Pástyjaghà” (Пастыяга) The name is derived from TN пя, ʻtree, wood’ (Schrenk 1848: 675; Šrenk 2009: 451–452; NAO-ES: 83). (TaS, KL)
, med kyrka och 1 gård vid
kyrkan, samt tvenne 20 verst lägre ned.
Pjoshja kyrka
The church, situated in Nižnaja Pëša and built in 1833, is related to the Orthodox mission that took place in the European Arctic in 1826–1830. See [omvändelse] (Veniamin 1855; Schrenk 1848: 675; Chomič 1979)
är 40 verst från hafvet. Man har
varit betänkt att flytta den närmare hafskusten för att Samojj.[Samojeder] måtte bättre kunna betjena sig deraf.
(Nes 15 verst från hafvet.) Floden är ganska stor och vidsträckt, tar sin början från
Čajcynskij Kamenʹ, a mountain range situated in Timan krjaž. Schrenk and Islavin also mention “Чáïzyn kámenj (Чаицын Камень)” or “Paj (Пай)” and its north-eastern spur, “Pámbòj (Памбой)”. (Islavin 1847: 7; Schrenk 1848: 668-671; Šrenk 2009: 441–445)
Wid dna[denna] flod finnas tjock granskog och mkt[mycket] wildt, äfven björnar. 19)
The River Gusinec, a tributary of the River Pëša. (GVR)
<<Gusinets>> i Pjosja, 20)
The River Pëšica flows into the Barents Sea. (GVR)
[faller] i hafvet, 21)
The River Priščatënok flows into the Barents Sea. (GVR)
[faller] i hafvet (Muermajaha), 22)
The River Priščatinica flows into the Barents Sea. (GVR)
[faller] i hafvet, «21 och 22 förena sig» 23)
The River Bezuzna (Bezužna) flows into the Barents Sea. (GVR)
, 24) Wobo<<u>>nga liten (Hä=)
11) the Ooma «2) Häetáh» (čumišče), one house; 12) the Paltsova; 13) the Panova from lakes; 14) the Omitsa; 15) the Petshanka [flows] into the sea; 16) the Small Snopa «3) Jietáh» with a house; 17) the Wis Snopa, with one house, «a) the Medväsi << small stream >>, b) the Snopitsa [flows] into the sea, c) the Gravesnoj, d) the Jegorova flows into the Pjosja)»
18) the Pjoshja
4) Peastíh, with a church and one farmhouse at the church, and two more [farmhouses] 20 versts down. The Pjoshja church is located 40 versts from the ocean. They have considered moving closer to the sea coast so that the Samoyeds might exploit it better.
(The River Nes 15 versts from the sea.) The river is quite large and wide; has its source in the Чайшинь. By the banks there are thick spruce forests and a lot of game as well, also bears; 19) the Gusinitsa <<Gusinets>> [flows] into the Pjosja;
20) the Pjosjitsa [flows] into the sea; 21) the Prisetjenok [flows] into the sea (Muermajaha); 22) the Prisjetinitsa [flows] into the sea; «21 and 22 merge.» 23) the Pesuusna; 24) the Wobo <<u>> nga the Small (Hä =)