Ethnographiska, historiska och statistiska anmärkningar. 012



Ethnographiska, historiska och statistiska anmärkningar. 012


II. Tiунскаго или Тиманскаго береговъ
alla ätter tillsammantagne utgörs 379.
III. Канинской тундры Tillsamman 429
Anm[ärka]. Dessa utgöra de skattbetalandes
antal för år 1843.
Alla samtlige 2377 skattbt. /
Peter von Köppen (Pëtr Ivanovič Kèppen, 1793–1864), a statistician and cartographer, who worked with ethnographic maps during the 19th century (Suchova 1993; Gibson 2022: 49–97). According to Köppen, there were 2390 Samoyed men and 2105 Samoyed women and in total 4495 Samoyed in the area between Cape Kanin and the Urals (Köppen 1843: 59).
II. Total number consisting of
all the tribes at the shores of Timan 379
III. Total number in Kanin tundra 429.
Note. This is the number of
taxpayers in 1843.
Total 2377 taxpayers.