This volume sheds light on personal name systems in various Finno-Ugrian languages. Special emphasis is placed on the reconstruction of name systems' historical strata and the cultural contacts reflected in personal names. Finnish, Veps, Karelian,…
Tabula gratulatoriaAntti Sovijärvi 70-vuotias 22.4.1982AlkusanatPentti Aalto, Proposals Concerning the Affinities of KoreanAlho Alhoniemi, ez-vartaloisten postpositioiden asemasta mordvan syntaktisessa järjestelmässä- – Zusammenfassung: Über die…
This volume is one of the publications by the Helsinki Area & Language Studies initiative (HALS), a research community promoting culturally grounded language studies. The book is the result of a student field trip to the Republic of Mordovia in…
Inarinsaame on yksi Suomessa puhuttavista saamen kielistä. Sen perinteinen puhuma-alue sijaitsee nykyisessä Inarin kunnassa. Inarinsaame on pieni vähemmistökieli ja alkuperäiskansan kieli, joka heijastaa puhujasukupolviensa kulttuuria ja…
Tabula gratulatoriaPertti Virtaranta, 70-vuotias Niilo ValonenGösta Berg, Bilderna i Codex Aboensis. Några kritiska anmärkningarPhebe Fjellström, Five Centuries of Northern-Swedisch Ethnology. From Olaus Magnus to J. A. NensénBéla Gunda, Das Wesen…
VorwortM. Adamovic, Das Tschuwaschische im Lichte der SubstrattheoriePaul Alvre, Vene laenudest uurali keelte konjunktsioonidesRobert Austerlitz, Genetic affiliation among proto-languagesGábor Bereczki, A török nyelvek hatása a magyarraKnut…
This book examines an enigmatic group of people, the Moldavian Csángós, whose very existence as a group has been debated since the 19th century. The Csángós form a historical minority consisting of Roman Catholics that speak a Hungarian vernacular…
The contacts between the Baltic and Finnic languages have lasted more than two millennia. This book concerns several questions on different contact-induced phenomena in the lexicon, phonology, morphology and syntax of Baltic and Finnic. The…