Uralica Helsingiensia


Uralica Helsingiensia



Uralica Helsingiensia features monographs and thematic collections of articles on the history, typology and sociology of Uralic languages. Studies focusing on Estonian language and culture, Hungarian language and culture, as well as Saamic studies are equally welcome in the series. The series also seeks to support university studies on its focus areas. The editors of the series are Ulla-Maija Forsberg and Riho Grünthal. Suggested manuscripts for publication shall be addressed to the secretary of the Finno-Ugrian Society, PhD Susanna Virtanen (sihteeri[at]sgr.fi).

Peer review procedure

The Uralica Helsingiensia series follows a bilateral anonymous peer review procedure for scientific manuscripts, in which both the writer and the reviewer remain anonymous throughout the review process.

Statements on the scientific suitability for publication of manuscripts will be requested from at least two persons invited to review them. The reviewers are researchers who have defended their PhD’s, are outside of the group of editors and are neutral with respect to the manuscript under review. The reviewers evaluate the scope of the research data, the researcher’s mastery of the theoretical framework, the reliability and accuracy of the research as well as the distinctiveness and novelty value of the research in relation to earlier research (see https://www.tsv.fi/en/services/label-for-peer-reviewed-scholarly-publications/requirements-for-use). Each reviewer presents a statement on the rejection of the suggestion for publication or its acceptance as is, or with the indicated changes.

Based on the statements, the editor makes the decision on publishing the manuscript. A notification of the acceptance or rejection of the suggestion for publication will be sent to the authors, along with any suggested changes to the manuscript required for publication and the statements of the reviewers.

The main information and documents related to the review process for all manuscripts accepted for review will be archived. For peer reviewed but rejected manuscripts, the authors’ names mentioned in the suggestion for publication, the title of the manuscript and the names of the reviewers will be archived. For published manuscripts, the suggestion for publication, the statements sent by the reviewers and the decisions sent by the editors to the authors regarding publication will be stored. The archived information is confidential.

Uralica Helsingiensia is rated at level 1 by the Publication Forum of the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies.

Green open access

The authors of article collections published in the Uralica Helsingiensia series have the right to publish their articles in the article databases of their own university, without an embargo period. The primary form of this publication is the PDF document surrendered to the authors by the Finno-Ugrian Society. The university-database article may not be changed from the final version surrendered by the Finno-Ugrian Society without specific permission. (There are no rights to other parallel publication.)


Riho Grünthal & Ulla-Maija Forsberg (editors-in-chief)


Finno-Ugrian Society




University of Helsinki (until 2017)



Series Publications

Multilingual Finnic – Language contact and change
This volume gathers together articles dealing with Finnic minority languages and language contacts. The first part presents topics focusing on phonology, morphology, morphosyntax, syntax as well as lexical relations. The second part of the book…

Multilingual Practices in Finno-Ugric Communities
Finno-Ugric speech communities are experiencing profound transformations that produce an intriguing landscape of multilingualism and shifting interlingual dynamics. This volume provides a collection of papers that explore different aspects of…

Peri orthotētos etymōn – Uusiutuva uralilainen etymologia
Etymologia on aina ollut historiallis-vertailevan uralistiikan keskipisteessä. Viime vuosikymmeninä kiinnostus uralilaisten kielten sanaston historiaa kohtaan on entisestään lisääntynyt ja ala elää eräänlaista renessanssia. Monet perinteiset…

Personal name systems in Finnic and beyond
This volume sheds light on personal name systems in various Finno-Ugrian languages. Special emphasis is placed on the reconstruction of name systems' historical strata and the cultural contacts reflected in personal names. Finnish, Veps, Karelian,…

Mordvin languages in the field
This volume is one of the publications by the Helsinki Area & Language Studies initiative (HALS), a research community promoting culturally grounded language studies. The book is the result of a student field trip to the Republic of Mordovia in…

Culture, Language and Globalization among the Moldavian Csángós Today
This book examines an enigmatic group of people, the Moldavian Csángós, whose very existence as a group has been debated since the 19th century. The Csángós form a historical minority consisting of Roman Catholics that speak a Hungarian vernacular…

Contacts between the Baltic and Finnic languages
The contacts between the Baltic and Finnic languages have lasted more than two millennia. This book concerns several questions on different contact-induced phenomena in the lexicon, phonology, morphology and syntax of Baltic and Finnic. The…

An Official Status for Minority Languages? A Study of State Languages in Russia's Finno-Ugric Republics.
Thisbook is part of a dissertation by Konstantin Zamyatin. The dissertation focuses on the phenomenon of granting minority languages official status. The concepts of official language and minority language do not seem to be outright compatible and…

Ethnic and Linguistic Context of Identity: Finno-Ugric Minorities
Ethnic and Linguistic Context of Identity: Finno-Ugric Minorities focuses on the language and language identity of individual speakers and communities among the Finno-Ugric minorities, living today in a world in which borders can easily be crossed.…

Kenttäretkistä tutkimustiedoksi
Suomalais-Ugrilaisen Seuran toiminnan perustana ovat olleet erityisesti Venäjän suomalais-ugrilaisten kielten puhuma-alueille 1800-luvun loppupuolelta Suomen itsenäistymiseen asti tehdyt kenttätyö- ja keruuretket. Ketkä aineistoa keräsivät? Miten…

Murros – suomalais-ugrilaiset kielet ja kulttuurit globalisaation paineissa
Teos käsittelee Venäjän suomalais-ugrilaisten kansojen nykyistä tilannetta sekä kielen että kulttuurin kannalta. Artikkelit valottavat Venäjän väestönkehitystä ja vähemmistökielten asemaa sekä toisaalta perinteisen kulttuurin murrosta Itämeren…

Folia Hungarica 13 – Unkarilaisten omakuvan juuret. Keski- ja uuden ajan Unkarin historiankirjoituksen tekstejä.
Tekstikokoelma tutustuttaa Unkarin kulttuurista kiinnostuneet suomalaislukijat muutamiin keski- ja uuden ajan historiankirjoituksen tärkeimpiin näytteisiin. Nämä teokset ovat muokanneet merkittävästi oman aikansa unkarilaisten historia- ja omakuvaa.…

Lähivertailuja 18
Lähivertailuja 18 jatkaa suomalais-virolaisten kieleen ja kulttuuriin liittyvien julkaisujen perinnettä, ja sen edeltäjät ovat ilmestyneet eri suomalaisten yliopistojen sarjoissa. Tämän kokoelman artikkelit perustuvat valtaosin keväällä 2006…
View all 15 publications