The Finno-Ugrian Society provides two annual scholarships and a variable amount of thesis awards. Information on current scholarships and awards can be found on this page and on our Facebook and Instagram pages. Also take a look at the guideline for grant applicants.
Scholarship open for application
Finno-Ugrian Society announces the scholarship for young researchers or students planning a career as researchers of Finnish and Finno-Ugric languages open for application. The scholarship is distributed from the foundation of Minette and Otto Donner, Mikko Korhonen, Julius Mark and donors. The amount to be shared is 28,500 euros. The scholarship is aimed at projects relevant to the goals of the Society. Research projects focusing only on Finnish, Estonian or Hungarian are usually not supported. The scholarship is mainly aimed at undergraduate or graduate studies.
The applicants are kindly asked to submit applications, including CV, research plan, study records or degree certificate, and possibly letters of recommendation, by e-mail to the secretary of the Society:
Guidelines for grant applicants: Please, submit your application as a single PDF document! The application deadline is April 30, 2025, 4:00 pm (EET).
The recipient/s of the scholarship is/are required to arrange and pay for statutory insurance (please, see for details:
The final decision on the recipient/s of the scholarships will be announced in the general meeting of the Finno-Ugrian Society and on the Facebook page of the Finno-Ugrian Society on May 16, 2025.
General information on the scholarships and awards
1. Application period in February
In February, the Finno-Ugrian Society announces the scholarship from the foundation of Kaisi and Kaino Heikkilä. The scholarship is aimed at research on Mordvin languages. The scholarship amount is determined annually by the Council of the Society. The final decision on the recipient/s of the scholarships will be announced in the general meeting of the Finno-Ugrian Society in March.
2. Application periods in April
In March, the Finno-Ugrian Society announces the scholarship for young researchers or students planning a career as researchers of Finnish and Finno-Ugric languages open for application. The scholarship is distributed from the foundation of Minette and Otto Donner, Mikko Korhonen, Julius Mark and donors. The scholarship is aimed at projects relevant to the goals of the Society and the scholarship amount is determined annually by the Council of the Society. The final decision on the recipient/s of the scholarships will be announced in the general meeting of the Finno-Ugrian Society in May.
In March, the Finno-Ugrian Society also announces the scholarship for Altaic studies. The scholarship is distributed from the foundation of G. J. Ramstedt, and the scholarship amount is determined annually by the Council of the Society. The scholarship can also be used for travel costs. The final decision on the recipient/s of the scholarships will be announced in the general meeting of the Finno-Ugrian Society in May.
3. Application period in October
In September, the Finno-Ugrian Society announces the scholarship distributed from the foundation of Albert Hämäläinen for research on Finno-Ugric peoples in Russia open for application. The scholarship is primarily aimed at ethnographical research, yet it can be granted to other areas of research as well. The amount of the scholarship is determined annually by the Council of the Society.
The final decision on the recipient/s of the scholarships will be announced in the general meeting of the Finno-Ugrian Society in November.
4. Thesis awards from the foundations of August Ahlqvist, Yrjö Wichmann, Kai Donner and Artturi Kannisto
Thesis awards are distributed annually. The recipients will be decided by a committee consisting of the president of the Finno-Ugrian Society, two representatives chosen by the Council of the Society and representatives chosen by the Society for the Study of Finnish. Thesis awards will be granted in the annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Finnish in March.
For further information, please contact us at sihteeri[a]