
About the meetings

The Finno-Ugric Society organizes nine meetings annually. Each meeting includes a scientific presentation related to the society's field of operation.
The meetings are hybrid meetings: it is possible to participate either in-person at the House of Science and Letters (Kirkkokatu 6, Helsinki, lecture hall 104) or remotely. They begin at 18:15.

In order to participate remotely, please register at

Our meetings are free of charge and open to everyone. Welcome! 

The presentators in the autumn semester 2024

20.9. prof. Rogier Blokland (University of Uppsala): Saamenkielinen Isä meidän -käännös 1500-luvulta
18.10 phD Kaisla Kaheinen (University of Helsinki)
15.11 phil Anna-Mari Immonen (University of Helsinki)
2.12. Annual meeting. prof. Riho Grünthal

The subjects of the presentations will be announced later.