About the Meetings
The Finno-Ugrian Society holds nine meetings a year. Each meeting includes a scientific presentation related to the society’s field of activity.
The meetings are conducted in a hybrid format: participants may attend in person at the House of Science and Letters (Kirkkokatu 6, Helsinki, lecture hall 104) or remotely. The meetings begin at 18:15.
To participate remotely, please register by emailing toimisto@sgr.fi.
Our meetings are free of charge and open to everyone. Welcome!
Presentations in 2025
21 Feb. Prof. Márta Csepregi (Eötvös Loránd University): Obinugrilaisten kielten ja kulttuurin elvyttäminen Éva Schmidtin elämäntyön valossa.
21 Mar. Doc. Kati Kallio (University of Helsinki) NB.! The meeting will be held exceptionally in room 505.
25 Apr. MA Jukka Mettovaara (University of Oulu)
16 May Doc. Miina Norvik (University of Tartu)