Suomalais-Ugrilaisen Seuran Toimituksia — Mémoires de la Société Finno-Ougrienne
Mémoires de la Société Finno-Ougrienne (Suomalais-Ugrilaisen Seuran Toimituksia, "Publications of the Finno-Ugrian Society") is an international monograph series first published in 1890, concentrating on high-quality research on the Uralic and Altaic languages. In addition to monographs, the series also includes article collections focusing on specific themes. There is an international Editorial Board for the series which complies with the practice of peer manuscript review.
The publications in the series are typically based on empirical research. The core themes include languages, language groups and language communities which have a connection to their traditional linguistic ecosystem. Books considered for publication can cover the following topics:
(i) Basic research on the Uralic languages
(ii) Grammars and complete manuscript-type presentations
(iii) The relationship between the Uralic and Altaic languages and their neighbouring languages, especially the Indo-European languages
(iv) Research history
(v) Thematic and multidisciplinary article collections
Books approved by the Finno-Ugrian Society are published according to an open access principle, openly available as digital versions.
There is an international Editorial Board for the series which complies with the practice of peer manuscript review:
• Manuscript is subject to a review by at least two persons invited to assess and write an opinion on it at the request of the editorial staff in charge of the publication criteria.
• The reviewers are PhD level researchers or other expert parties external to the editing board and independent in relation to the manuscript to be reviewed.
• The publisher sends the referees' comments to the author(s) of the manuscript.
• The peer-review process is documented in compliance with the following requirements imposed on the regular documentation of the peer-review process:
The authors of article collections published in the MSFOu series have the right to publish their articles in the article databases of their own university, without an embargo period. The primary form of this publication is the PDF document surrendered to the authors by the Finno-Ugrian Society. The university-database article may not be changed from the final version surrendered by the Finno-Ugrian Society without specific permission. (There are no rights to other parallel publication.)
Riho Grünthal (editor-in-chief, Helsinki), Marianne Bakró-Nagy (Budapest), Márta Csepregi (Budapest), Ulla-Maija Forsberg (Helsinki), Kaisa Häkkinen (Turku), Gerson Klumpp (Tartu), Johanna Laakso (Vienna), Lars-Gunnar Larsson (Uppsala), Matti Miestamo (Helsinki), Sirkka Saarinen (Turku), Elena Skribnik (Munich), Trond Trosterud (Tromsø), Berhard Wälchli (Stockholm), Jussi Ylikoski (Turku)
Series Publications
K. F. Karjalainen’s Eastern Khanty Text Collection (1899–1901) (MSFOu 279)
Itämeren kieliapajilta Volgan verkoille: Pühendusteos Riho Grünthalile 22. mail 2024 (SUST 278)
The Karelian Dialect of Kolvitsa, Kola Peninsula (MSFOu 277)
Marin kirjakielten termistön kehitys 1920- ja 1930-luvulla. Elollista luontoa tutkivat tieteet. (MSFOu 276)
Ёмас сымыӈ нэ̄кве во̄ртур э̄тпост самын патум [Yomas symyn nékve vortur etpost samyn patum]. Scripta miscellanea in honorem Ulla-Maija Forsberg. (MSFOu 275)
Verba vagantur. Jorma Koivulehto in memoriam (MSFOu 274)
A Grammar of Skolt Saami (MSFOu 273)
Suomen datiivigenetiivin juuret vertailevan menetelmän valossa (MSFOu 272)
Mielen laaksot. Mïelen vuemieh. Miela vuomit. Mielâ vyemeh. Miõl vue'm. Neljän saamen kielen paikannimien rakenne, sanasto ja rinnakkaisnimet vähemmistö–enemmistö-suhteiden kuvastajina (MSFOu 271)
Juuret marin murteissa, latvus yltää Uraliin.Juhlakirja Sirkka Saarisen 60-vuotispäiväksi 21.12.2014 (MSFOu 270)
Words and Varieties. Lexical Variation in Saami (MSFOu 269)
Moksha prosody (MSFOu 268)
Materials on Forest Enets, an Indigenous Language of Northern Siberia (MSFOu 267)
A Linguistic Map of Prehistoric Northern Europe (MSFOu 266)
Networks, Interaction and Emerging Identities in Fennoscandia and Beyond (MSFOu 265)
Per Urales ad Orientem. Iter polyphonicum multilingue. Festskrift tillägnad Juha Janhunen på hans sextioårsdag den 12 februari 2012 (MSFOu 264)
Kuujärven lyydiläistekstejä (MSFOu 263)
On the Typology of Negation in Ob-Ugric and Samoyedic Languages (MSFOu 262)
Adnominal Person in the Morphological System of Erzya (MSFOu 261)
Inarinsaamen käsitemetaforat (MSFOu 260)
Sanoista kirjakieliin. Juhlakirja Kaisa Häkkiselle 17. marraskuuta 2010 (MSFOu 259)
The Quasquicentennial of the Finno-Ugrian Society (MSFOu 258)
Non-finites in North Saami (MSFOu 257)
Niederdeutsch-finnische Sprachkontakte (MSFOu 256)
The negation of stative relation clauses in the Mordvin languages (MSFOu 254)
Sámit, sánit, sátnehámit (MSFOu 253)
Syrjänische Texte. Band V. Komi-Syrjänisch: Ober-Vyčegda-Dialekt. M. Žikins Texte (MSFOu 252)
Muistoja Liivinrannasta. Liivin kieltä Ruotsista (MSFOu 250)
Mokšamordvan murteet (MSFOu 249)
Network of songs. Individual songs of the Ob' Gulf Nenets: Music and local history as sung by Maria Maksimovna Lapsui (MSFOu 248)
K. F. Karjalainens südostjakische Textsammlungen. Band III (MSFOu 247)
Diachronic change in Erzya word stress (MSFOu 246)
Erzya prosody (MSFOu 245)
Finnic adpositions and cases in change (MSFOu 244)
The Chakhar Dialect of Mongol. A Morphological Description (MSFOu 243)
Early Contacts between Uralic and Indo-European. Linguistic and Archaeological Considerations (MSFOu 242)
Le fonds Lapponica des Fellman. Catalogue raisonné (MSFOu 239)
Verba mutuata. Quae vestigia antiquissimi cum Germanis aliisque Indo-Europaeis contactus in linguis Fennicis reliquerint (MSFOu 237)
Baltisches im Finnischen (MSFOu 235)
Development of Mordvin definite conjugation (MSFOu 233)
Mordvalaiskielten rakenne ja kehitys (MSFOu 232)
Toiminnan välttämättömyys ja mahdollisuus. Pohjoissaamen modaalisten ilmausten semantiikkaa ja syntaksia (MSFOu 231)
The primary goal of this research is to make a description of the modal field in Northern Saami, restricted to the so-called modality of…
Eteläviron murteen sanaston alkuperä. Itämerensuomalaista etymologiaa (MSFOu 230)
The purpose of this research is to provide an etymological inventory of the vocabulary characteristic of the South Estonian dialect and to shed light on the historical…