Kai Donner. Linguist, ethnographer, photographer
Kai Donner. Linguist, ethnographer, photographer. Kansatieteellisiä julkaisuja 21. 2014. 174 s. (ISBN 978-952-5667-57-8 sid.) 60 €.
Kai Donner (1888‒1935) oli suomalainen kielentutkija, kansatieteilijä, tutkimusmatkailija, kirjailija ja poliittinen vaikuttaja, joka teki kaksi matkaa Siperiaan vuosina 1911‒1913 ja 1914. Tutkimusretkellä hän otti satoja valokuvia, joista laadukkaasti käsitelty valikoima vangitsee Donnerin sadan vuoden takaisen kenttätyön sielun. Kuvien rinnalla teoksessa on Donnerin perinnön eri puolia tarkastelevia artikkeleja, jotka keskittyvät erityisesti hänen monitieteisen Siperian-tuntijan rooliinsa pohjoisen etnografian tutkimuskentässä.
Kai Donner (1888‒1935) was a Finnish linguist, ethnographer, explorer, author and national activist, who completed two journeys to Siberia in 1911‒1913 and 1914. In the field he took several hundred photographs, a selection of which is here made available as high-quality reproductions, conveying the true spirit of his fieldwork ‒ a full century ago. To accompany the photographic documentation, this volume contains articles devoted to various aspects of Kai Donner's legacy, with the focus on his role as a specialist in multidisciplinary Siberian studies within the paradigm of Northern Ethnography.
Kai Donner (1888‒1935) was a Finnish linguist, ethnographer, explorer, author and national activist, who completed two journeys to Siberia in 1911‒1913 and 1914. In the field he took several hundred photographs, a selection of which is here made available as high-quality reproductions, conveying the true spirit of his fieldwork ‒ a full century ago. To accompany the photographic documentation, this volume contains articles devoted to various aspects of Kai Donner's legacy, with the focus on his role as a specialist in multidisciplinary Siberian studies within the paradigm of Northern Ethnography.
Joakim Donner, Juha Janhunen (toim.)
Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura
Fyysinen nide
Englanti (English)