The wonderful stick

po:rE-mE     e-dO:n     o:-d'o:d-Ek     pOn     pug-u-lb-u-jE-gE.    
spring-TEMP   PRON-that   be-SUBN-PRED   it   warm-0-INCH-0-IMPF.PART-LOC  

It was in spring, when it was getting warm.

met     omo-s'E     puge-s'E     n'e:r     moro-dEllE     met    
I   good-IMPF.PART   warm-IMPF.PART   clothes   put.on-SS.PERF   I  
kapkan-pE     jO:-din     keb-e-s'E.    
trap-PL   see-SUP   leave-PERF-1SG  

I put on my good warm clothes and went to check the traps.

[qam-u-n-dE     {sobol'}-E     i:-dE-mE]     ta:-t     ej-rE-t     qam-u-n-dE    
how.many-0-ATTR-INDEF   sable-ACC   catch-TR-PERF.PART.1/2SG   there-ADV.ABL   walk-NONIT-SS.IMPF   how.many-0-ATTR-INDEF  
noqSE     i:-dE-mE     jolo-GudE     n'a:s'E-daj-l-a:-jE,     [unuN-gEn]     unuN    
sable   catch-TR-PERF.PART.1/2SG   back-ADV.DIR   face-PERF-0-INCH-1SG   river-PROL   river  
c'aG-u-ji:-t     l'E-gE     al'o:jE-gE     lOud-i-s'E.    
cut-0-ITER-SS.IMPF   be-LOC   ice.hole-LOC   take.down-INTR-1SG  

I had caught some sables. I started to walk back, but crossing the river I fell in the hole in the ice.

pudi     la:G-E-t     unuN     jomul     la:G-E-t     pOn    
South   to-0-ADV.ABL   river   upper.reach   to-0-ADV.ABL   it  
pug-u-lbE-dE-jnE     jarqE     al'-u-nun-nu-j.    
warm-0-INCH-3-DS.COND   ice   melt-0-HAB-IMPF-3SG  

The ice melts on the upper river when it gets warmer.

l'E-l'E-dEllE     nas'i:lE     [pukel'E]     jarqE     lOud-u-s'E,     nas'i:lE    
be-?-SS.PERF   hardly   snow   ice   take.down-INTR-1SG   hardly  
pukel'E-lE     l'EgE     tOb-o:-nun-nu-j.    
snow-INSTR   DP   close-RES-HAB-IMPF-3SG  

I fell under the ice. The ice was barely covered with snow.

c'irtE     jurgu:     titi-me:-d'o:n     o:-nun-nu-j.    
completely   hole   like-QUAL-SUBN   be-HAB-IMPF-3SG  

It had something like a hole.

[o:dE-lE]     o:dE-lEk     ere,     nas'i:lE     o:dE-n-nu-j.    
hoar.frost-INSTR   hoar.frost-PRED   only   hardly   hoar.frost-PROPR-IMPF-3SG  

The ice was barely covered with hoar-frost.

jarqE     a:-n     met     jaGid'E     met     a:bE    
ice   under-ADV.LOC   I   stick   I   disk  
qon-u-j,     l'E     lOud-u:-j.    
go-0-3SG   DP   take.down-INTR-3SG  

My ski stick went under the ice and fell there.

met     ta:-t     nas'i:lE     arp-a-s'E.    
I   there-ADV.ABL   hardly   go.up-PERF-1SG  

I could hardly get up.

pukel'E     oG-u-n-d'E     ugurc'E-gE     ton-d-u:-gi,     el'l'o:dEj     tite    
snow   wet-0-PROPR-IMPF.PART   skis-LOC   stick-INTR-INTR-3   wonderful   like  

The snow was sticking to the skis. It was very sticky.

On ugurc'E see (32-46).

qon-u-l     bojs'E     nigejE-mu-l     qon-u-l.    
go-0-AN   completely   difficult-INCH-AN   go-0-AN  

It was very difficult to walk.

The Action Nominal nigejEmul functions as a finite predicate.

met     c'ugo:-n     qon-din     ta:-t     gude-l-e-s'E     jaqa-din    
I   fast-ADV   go-SUP   there-ADV.ABL   become-?-PERF-1SG   reach-SUP  
c'ugo:-n     El'=jarq-a:-din.    
fast-ADV   NEG-ice-INCH-SUP  

I was going to walk quickly so I could return quickly without getting cold.

pOn     em-i-de-s',     em-i-ke:-j     [em-i-ke:-j].    
it   dark-0-PERF-3SG   dark-0-INCH-3SG   dark-0-INCH-3SG  

It was getting dark. It got dark.

met     {palatka}-Nin     irk-i-n     s'is'     O:-k     pOn'-o:-l.    
I   tent-DAT   one-0-ATTR   mountain.pass   child-PRED   put-RES-SF  

One mountain pass was remained before I was to reach my tent.

[irk-i-n]     irk-i-n     s'is'-Ek     pOn'-o:-l,     ta:     irk-i-n    
one-0-ATTR   one-0-ATTR   mountain.pass-PRED   put-RES-SF   there   one-0-ATTR  

One mountain pass remained.

ta-N     s'is'-Ek     ...     lOud-u:-gi     nado.    
that-ATTR   mountain.pass-PRED   ...   take.down-INTR-3   needed  

I had to cross that pass.

[jaql-u-dE     ONZ-ej-dEllE     jaql-u-dE]     jaql-u-dE     ONZ-ej-dE-NidE     taNn'igE    
far-0-ADV.DIR   go.down-PERF-SS.PERF   far-0-ADV.DIR   far-0-ADV.DIR   go.down-PERF-3-SS.COND   then  
met     numO-gE     jaqa-tE-jE.    
I   house-LOC   reach-FUT-1SG  

After crossing that pass, I would go down and reach my tent.

c'andE     arp-u-ji:-t     nas'i:lE     arp-u-j-dE     jolo-GudE     {pol}-l'E    
upstream   go.up-0-ITER-SS.IMPF   hardly   go.up-0-ITER-SS.ITER   back-ADV.DIR   floor-?  
pOm-u-du-jE     El=arp-aj-s'O:n.    
roll-0-INTR-1SG   NEG-go.up-PERF-PRIV  

I tried to go up, but found myself sliding down without moving up.

ta:-t     qam-u-n-dE     ...     ta:-t     l'E-j.    
there-ADV.ABL   how.many-0-ATTR-INDEF   ...   there-ADV.ABL   be-3SG  

It happened several times.

ta:-t     l'E     jolo-GudE     pOm-u-de-s'E,     pOm-u-de-s'E.    
there-ADV.ABL   DP   back-ADV.DIR   roll-0-PERF-1SG   roll-0-PERF-1SG  

I was always sliding down.

met     s'i:lE     ul-u-mu-j     bojs'E.    
I   strength   finish-0-INCH-3SG   completely  

I was completely exhausted.

met     {uZe}     c'O:     met     l'E     met    
I   already   already   I   DP   I  
s'i:lE     ul-u-mu-j,     met     {palatka}-gE     El'=jaqa     moZi:-jE    
strength   finish-0-INCH-3SG   I   tent-LOC   NEG-reach   PROSP-1SG  

I was completely exhausted and thought that I wouldn't reach my tent.

The word monut here functions as a complementizer.

OnmE-gE     met     O:r-pE     met     terikE     numO-lEk    
mind-LOC   I   child-PL   I   old.woman   house-PRED  
OnmE-gE     ej-u:-l,     ta:     mo-d'E,     noNo:n     met    
mind-LOC   get-INTR-SF   there   say-1SG   what.for   I  
terikE-n'E     er-i-s'     an'-n'a:-nu-l'El,     noNo:n     met     O:r-pE-n'E    
old.woman-COM   bad-INTR-3SG   speak-PROPR-IMPF-EV   what.for   I   child-PL-COM  
n'aGa:     er-i-s'     an'-n'a:-nu-l'El     mon-u-t,     OnmE-gE     ej-tE.    
together   bad-INTR-3SG   speak-PROPR-IMPF-EV   say-0-SS.IMPF   mind-LOC   get-TR.TR.1SG  

I remembered my children, my wife and my house. I thought why I had quarrelled with my wife and why I had spoken badly to my children.

The word monut here functions as a complementizer.

c'umut     aNd'E     ke:jE     eg-e:-j.    
all   eye   before   stand-INCH-3SG  

Everything in my past appeared before my eyes.

bojs'E     l'E=No:t     bojs'E     SOZ-e:-jE.    
completely   be-TRANS   completely   numb-INCH-1SG  

I was completely frozen.

qodo-t     qam-u-n     {m'inuta}-gE     qod-o:-jE     pukel'E     bude:,    
lie-SS.IMPF   how.many-0-ATTR   minute-LOC   lie-RES-1SG   snow   on  
ta:-t     nas'i:lE     eg-e:-dEllE     arp-aj-din     keb-ej-l'e:-jE.    
there-ADV.ABL   hardly   stand-INCH-SS.PERF   go.up-PERF-SUP   leave-PERF-INCH-1SG  

I was lying on the snow for a few minutes. I got up with difficulty and was going to go up.

aj     ta:-t     lOud-i-s'E.    
also   there-ADV.ABL   take.down-INTR-1SG  

But I fell down again.

nugen-E     Sa:r-gE-d     ere     arp-a:-jE.    
arm-INSTR   something-LOC-ATTR   INDEF   go.up-INCH-1SG  

I leaned upon something with my hand.

ta-N     pe:     bude:     irk-i-n     ...,     Sa:l    
that-ATTR   mountain   on   one-0-ATTR   ...   tree  
Ojl'E-dE-jnE     tit     Sa:r-gE-d     ere     eg-e:-jE.    
no-3-DS.COND   although   something-LOC-ATTR   INDEF   stand-INCH-1SG  

Although there was not a single tree on that hill, nevertheless I leaned upon something.

met     noj     bude:     eg-e:-jE,     d'E     ta:-t    
I   leg   on   stand-INCH-1SG   DP   there-ADV.ABL  

I got up on my feet and ran.

met     bojs'E     joNZE,     [Sa:r-gE     met]     Sa:r-gE    
I   completely   sleep.TR.1SG   something-LOC   I   something-LOC  
ere     eg-u-j-s'E     mon-u-t.    
INDEF   walk-0-ITER-1SG   say-0-SS.IMPF  

I forgot completely that I was leaning on something.

The word monut here functions as a complementizer.

nas'i:lE     aNd'E     l'EgEn     jO:-tE-j,     [jaGid'E]     jaGid'E    
hardly   eye   DP   see-FUT-3SG   stick   stick  
met     jaGid'E.    
I   stick  

I could hardly see anything, but saw a ski stick.

jO:-lu-gE     ...     jaGid'E-k,     Seril-o:-d'E     jaGid'E-k,     nas'i:lE    
see-1/2-DS   ...   stick-PRED   shave-RES-IMPF.PART   stick-PRED   hardly  
aNd'E     jO:-l-gE     jO:.    
eye   see-1/2-DS   see.TR.1SG  

I managed to see a well-shaved ski stick.

The syntax is unclear.

[numO-gE     jaqa]     {palatkE}-gE     jaqa-i:li,     [met     jaGid'E]    
house-LOC   reach   tent-LOC   reach-1PL   I   stick  
ta-N     jaGid'E     {palatka}     aNil'-gE     ta:     l'E    
that-ATTR   stick   tent   opening-LOC   there   be.TR.1SG  

I reached the tent and put that stick next to the tent entrance.

It is unclear why the speaker uses the 1PL verbal form here.

c'oGojE-lE     met     l'E     met     n'e:r     c'umu    
knife-INSTR   I   DP   I   clothes   all  
c'ou-nu-t     al-Ga:r     gude-jE.    
cut-IMPF-SS.IMPF   NEG-skin   become-1SG  

I cut my clothes with the knife and got undressed.

l'E-lE     {odekolon}-E     mEt=c'aG-i-tE-jE.    
DP-INSTR   REFL-touch-0-TR-1SG  

I rubbed myself with eau-de-Cologne.

il'l'E     n'e:r     moro-dEllE     met     oGoq-Ek     pe:dE-t-mE.    
new   clothes   put.on-SS.PERF   I   stove-PRED   burn-TR-OF.1/2SG  

I put on the new clothes and lit the oven.

c'aj     o:ZE-llE     taNde:t     uNZ-i-s'E,     el'l'o:j     toGo:-d'E    
tea   drink-SS.PERF   then   sleep-INTR-1SG   wonderful   deep-IMPF.PART  

I drank tea and fell asleep. I slept very deeply.

mOZ-Z-ej-dEllE     met     oGoq     pe:dE-t-mE,     ta:-t     l'E-jE    
hear-ITER-PERF-SS.PERF   I   stove   burn-TR-OF.1/2SG   there-ADV.ABL   be-1SG  
me:-dE-jE,     qan'in     pOn     pod'orqE-t     mon-u-t     ugujE-l-mE    
wait-INTR-1SG   when   it   day-SS.IMPF   say-0-SS.IMPF   morning-AN-TEMP  
pod'orqE-t-tE-jnE     numun     jaGid'E-k     met     tamun-gE     El=du    
day-TR-3-DS.COND   with.what   stick-PRED   I   that-LOC   NEG-?  
tamun     jO:-din.    
that   see-SUP  

Then I woke up and lit the oven and waited until the day broke to see that stick in the morning, when it was light.

{palatkE}-gEt     uk-ej-dEllE     jO:-nu     aNs'i:-d'a:-t,     jO:-nu-jE,     ta-N    
tent-ABL   go.out-PERF-SS.PERF   see-IMPF   search-INTR-SS.IMPF   see-IMPF-1SG   that-ATTR  
Sa:l     n'E-qadungE     Ojl'E.    
tree   NEG-where   no  

I went out of the tent and looked for it, but that stick was nowhere.

ta-N     met     jaGid'E     o:-Zi:-t     kes'i:-mE     Sa:l    
that-ATTR   I   stick   be-TR-SS.IMPF   bring-PERF.PART.1/2SG   tree  
c'ugO-gi     nutn'E-j,     {a}     Sa:l-gi     Ojl'E.    
road-3   stick.out-3SG   but   tree-3   no  

There was a trace of a stick I had brought which I thought was a ski stick, but in fact it was not there.

{palatka}-gE     jOmg-i:-t     ej-rE-jE,     n'E-leme-lE     El=nu:.    
tent-LOC   turn-TR-SS.IMPF   walk-NONIT-1SG   NEG-what-ACC   NEG-find  

In the day time I went round the tent but didn't find anything.

OnmE     ej-rE-S-u-t     mo-d'E,     lebe:-n     bude:     Sa:r    
mind   walk-NONIT-CAUS-0-SS.IMPF   say-1SG   earth-GEN   on   something  
ere     SoromE     El=lej-di:-jo:n     l'E-j.    
INDEF   man   NEG-know-TR-SUBN   be-3SG  

I think there is something supernatural in this world.