The good shamans were called white. |
The evil shamans were called black. |
In the olden days black shamans were said to eat people. |
A good shaman can do everything. |
My grandfather was a shaman. |
People used to come and say to him: "Grandfather, we want to drink tea. |
Please help us." |
Then my grandfather would say: "You are calling me to sin again." |
Then the young people said: "Grandfather, do it, do it." |
He lived three hundred kilometres from here. Comment:
He had a small board to cut the tobacco roots and small leaves on it. Comment:
He used to hit that desk three times. |
When he hit it the third time, tea and tobacco started falling there. |
The rich Yakuts lived forty kilometres from the land where they lived. Comment:
He stole things from them and mad them fly. |