Ethnographiska, historiska och statistiska anmärkningar. 250



Ethnographiska, historiska och statistiska anmärkningar. 250


Several sources mention the Tundra Nenets names for the months. As noted by Golovnev, the Nenets months are not equal in length, but they rather relate to the sun on the one hand and events in nature and among the reindeer on the other. Additionally, there is considerable variation in the names of the months and their order, both regionally and in time. Golovnev ends up describing both the Tundra and Forest Nenets names for the months quite extensively. (Islavin 1847: 139–140; Schrenk 1848: 480–481; Golovnev 1995: 305–329)

Hanertsjuuluuwa jiirыы,
TN ханерцeлова иры ʻthe month of the beginning of freezing’ (TaS, KL)
Oktober, ifrån slutet af September, då elfvarna frysa
Paewudiej j,
TN пэвдей ʻdarkness’. According to Tereščenko, нюдя пэвдей ʻsmall darkness’, roughly corresponds to November. (Tereščenko 2003: 501; Golovnev 1995: 319–321) (TaS, KL)
den mörka, Oktober och halfva November
Aarka paaewudiej,
TN арка пэвдей ʻgreat darkness’. According to Tereščenko, ңарка пэвдей, ʻbig darkness’ roughly corresponds to December. (Tereščenko 2003: 501; also Golovnev 1995: 319–321) (TaS, KL)
halfva December - mycket mörk.
Limbi jirыы,
According to Tereščenko (2003: 191), лимбя’ ирий, ʻeagles’ month’, roughly corresponds to January. See also лимби иры, ʻeagles’ month’, in Golovnev 1995: 324–325. (TaS, KL)
halfva Januarii - då solen "lik en örn" höjer sig på fältet
Jaare jirыы,
TN яра иры ʻthe month during which the sun turns from the thaw’, roughly corresponds to February. (Tereščenko 2003: 780; Golovnev 1995: 323–324) (TaS, KL)
Januarii till hälften af Februari. "kall månad"
Siije|n[-]ts' s
TN сие ниць (иры) ʻfalse calving’, roughly corresponds to April. (Golovnev 1995: 305–308; Tereščenko 2003: 147) (TaS, KL)
Febr. och början af Mars. Siije, вретъ. Nits, рожденiе (вретъ ложное рожденiе, d.ä. ännu ej den rätta kalfningstiden. Om detta inträffas, är saken ej på rätt)
Njanaej nits,
According to Tereščenko (2003: 147), ты” ниць ирий ʻthe month of proper calving’, roughly corresponds to May. See also ненэй’ ниць ʻproper calving’, in Golovnev 1995: 305–308. (TaS, KL)
werklig kalfning. Mars.
8. Tыыtsa=pola̅na jirыы
Tыы́ sаpаdaana jirыы,
TN тыʹ сападана иры ʻbirth of reindeer month’. According to Tereščenko (2003: 678), ты’ саполана ирий ʻthe month of an early birth of reindeer’ roughly corresponds to March and ты” сапо”лана ирий ʻthe month of the birth of reindeer’ roughly corresponds to April. (TaS, KL)
Aprill, renarnes upphinningsmånad (d.ä. då alla renar hinna sappadaa) födas.
Sauwa jirыы,
According to Tereščenko (2003: 147), саву’ ирий ʻthe month of the flooding of the rivers’ roughly corresponds to June. See also савоʹ иры ʻflood month’ in Golovnev 1995: 307. (TaS KL)
Wainuj j[irыы].,
TN вэнуй иры. TN вэнуй ʻseason of the mass migration of fish’. According to Lehtisalo венуй иры ʻMonat im Frühsommerʻ (Lehtisalo 1956: 64) (RL, TaS, KL)
Junii. Den första fisk som stiger uppför Ob kallas wainũj~gaale.
Taajieri j[irыы].,
TN та’ еры иры ʻthe month of the middle of the summer’. According to Tereščenko (2003: 631), таңы ирий ʻsummer month’ roughly corresponds to July. See also таʹ еры иры in Golovnev 1995: 311–312. (TaS, KL)
Juli, half sommarmidts månad. Midsommar-månad.
Niberju jirыы,
ниберё” иры ʻmidges’ month’ roughly corresponds to July (Tereščenko 2003: 309; Golovnev 1995: 313). (TaS, KL)
Augusti, då мозга (niberju) flyger (efter myggen)
Seälobui jirыы,
According to Tereščenko (2003: 147), сельбя’ няңы ирий ʻthe month of the shedding of the fur from the horns’ roughly corresponds to September. See also селбуй иры in Golovnev 1995: 312–313. (TaS, KL)
månaden, då huden i renhornet bortfaller (seälaa)
1. Hanertsjuuluuwa jiirыы, from the end of September, when the streams freeze.
2. Paewudiej j, the dark, October and mid-November.
3. Aarka paaewudiej, mid-December – very dark.
4. Limbi jirыы, mid-January – when the sun rises over the terrain “like an eagle”.
5. Jaare jirыы, January until mid-February – “cold month”.
6. Siije nits', February and the beginning of March. Siije 'to lie'. Nits 'birth' (false calving, i.e. not yet the correct calving time. If this happens, it is not right).
7. Njanaej nits, actual calving, March.
8. Tыtsa = pola̅na jirыы.
8. Tыы́ sаpаdaana jirыы, April, the calving month of reindeer (i.e. when all reindeer have time to sappadaa 'to be born').
9. Sauwa jirыы, May.
10. Wainuj jirыы, June. The first fish to ascend the Ob are called wainũj ~ gaale.
11. Taajieri jirыы, July, half-summer mid-month. Midsummer month.
12. Niberju jirыы, August, when black flies (niberju) flies (after mosquitoes).
13. Seälobui jirыы, the month when the skin of the reindeer antlers is shed (seälaa).

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