Ethnographiska, historiska och statistiska anmärkningar. 246



Ethnographiska, historiska och statistiska anmärkningar. 246


Den Kaninska kyrkan
uppbydes år 1830.
Den Timanska [kyrkan]
The Kanin Church was built in 1830.
The Timan [Church]
Att antaga
Analysing missionary reports, Eva Toulouze notes that becoming Russian, TN луца, was one of the incentives to undergo baptism for the Nenets and Khanty. However, as Toulouze notes, here Russian refers to a higher status in the urban milieu and a better position in the societal negotiations taking place there. (Toulouze 2011)
Kdomen[Kristendomen] och blifva Rysk är efter Samoje-
dernas mening detsamma. Ju rikare en Samojed är, desto
obenägnare är han, att antaga Christend[om]. Emedan Ka-
ninska Samojeder öfhd[öfverhufvud] äro wälmående, finnas bland
dem ännu en tredje del odöpta. De Timanska Samo-
jederne äro fattiga och nästan alla döpta, ehuru de
hafva mindre beröring med Ryssarne än de Kaninska.

Adopting Christianity and becoming Russian are the same thing in the opinion of the Samoyeds. The richer a Samoyed is, the more reluctant he is to adopt Christianity. Because the Kanin Samoyeds are generally well off, one third are still unbaptised. The Timan Samoyeds are poor and almost all are baptised, although they have fewer contacts with the Russians than the Kanin Samoyeds.