Ethnographiska, historiska och statistiska anmärkningar. 245



Ethnographiska, historiska och statistiska anmärkningar. 245


The Orthodox mission took place in the European Arctic in 1826–1830. The mission was led by Archimandrite Veniamin, according to whom 3303 of the 3983 Nenets in the area were christened during the mission. In addition, churches were built for the villages of Kolva, Nesʹ, and Nižnaja Pëša. The missionary work, including the construction of the churches for the Nenets living near the Rivers Pëša and Snopa, was based on the February 17th 1829 decree of the Holy Synod “On the rules for the conversion to the Christian faith of Samoyeds who nomadise in the Arkhangelsk province” (O pravilach obraščenija kočujuščich v Archangel’skoj gubernii samoyedov v christianskuju veru). Currently, there is a church in the name of the Annunciation of Our Most Holy Lady in Nesʹ, built in 1868. (Veniamin 1855; Schrenk 1848: 241-247; Chomič 1979) Here, Castrén’s tone is official and the text most probably goes back to Veniamin’s reports, for example Veniamin 1850.

Totemska Protohierej i Vologodska Eparchien Savinoff framställde till styrelsen
1821 ett förslag om möjligheten att omvända de i Guverm[enter]. Archangel och Wologda
boende Samojeder till Kna[Kristna] läran. Projektet blef Hs[ans] M[ajestät]. Kejsar Alexander före-
draget hvken[hvilken] genomom Furst Gabitsen, Minister för folk-upplysningen affordrade det Archang[elska].
Presterskapets mening härutinnan, och dåvarande Erkl Biskopen i Archangel
Neofit yttrad, och
Då en slik omvändelse af Prestersk avsågs verkställbar, anbefalltes
genom en ukas af d. 5 Aug. 1824 en mission af två prester och två
причетника, samt uppbyggardet af tvenne kyrkor. I följd häraf afgick
den 21 Januari 1825 från Archangelsk en mission till Mesen, som bestod af
en Archimandrit, en Prest och två причетники. Missionens företag
präster med den framgång, att inom åren 1825 och 1826 på Kanin-
ska tundran döptes 454 själar, på Timanska 324, på Bolshe-
semelska 977, inom år 1827 ofverhufvud 984, således till och
med sistnämda år inalles 2739 personer.
tagentill uppbyggandet af tre stenkyrkor för Samojederne och
boningsrum för deras Prester. En expedit. neml. på Kaninskan
tundran vid floden Nes, vid på Timanska vid fl. Sula [Pjosja], på
Bolshesemelska vid
The River Kolva. According to Schrenk, the Kolva is called “Toчjagha [Тосьяха]” in Tundra Nenets and Точьяга in Komi. (Schrenk 1848: 283; Šrenk 2009: 205

The conversion of the Samoyeds

In 1821 the archpriest Savinoff of the town of Totma in the diocese of Vologda  presented to the board a proposal for the possibility of converting the Samoyeds living in the Gouvernements of Arkhangelsk and Vologda to the Christian doctrine. The project was presented to His Majesty the Emperor Alexander and he demanded the Arkhangelsk clergy’s views in this respect through Prince Gabitsen, Minister of People’s Enlightenment. When such proselytising by the clergy was considered enforceable, a mission of two priests and two deacons, as well as the construction of two churches, was recommended in a decree dated 5th August 1824. As a result, a mission consisting of an Archimandrite, a Priest, and two deacons left from Arkhangelsk to Mezen on January 21, 1825. The mission’s priests worked to such an extent that in the years 1825 and 1826 in the Kanin tundra 454 souls were baptised, in Timan 324, and in Bol'šezemel'skaja 977; within the year 1827 a total of 984, which makes together with the latter years a total of 2739 persons, together with the construction of three stone churches for the Samoyeds and abodes for their priests, namely in the Kanin tundra by the River Nes, in the Timan tundra by the River Sula [Pjosja], and in the Bol'šezemel'skaja tundra by the Tochuga