Ethnographiska, historiska och statistiska anmärkningar. 178



Ethnographiska, historiska och statistiska anmärkningar. 178


Heunzer (t)seejeh, какъ ты потухъ
Manj hoonumjum Такъ и я спать стану.
TN Илевямбэртя Ханзер сея Мань хонумюмʹ ʻJiljevjambertja As you go out I go to bed.ʻ See [Jileumbartje] (RL, TaS, KL)

Heunzer (t) seejeh ‘As you go outʹ’
Manj hoonumjum ‘I go to bed.’

Болванскiя шопки
Bolvanskaja sopka ʻBolvan hill’ is a Russian term for Nenets sacred places that have wooden or stone idols and traces of sacrifices in them. The kinds of hills are often clearly distinguishable from the environment by their shape and they are often also named beautiful or pleasant, as Castrén does here. TN хэбидяʹ я or хэхэʹ я.
kallas ställen der Samo-
jedernes Gudabilder förut stått. De äro vanl[igen].
mycket angenäma ställen.

Bolvanskija šopki is the name of the places where the Samoyed idols stood before. They are often very pleasant places.
Om någon
En tadibe
Shamanic belief narrative. See also note [för en tadibe] and [Samojediska sagor 3]
lemnades på försök uppå en obe-
bodd hafsö. Man ser honom komma derifrån sittande på
vattnet, med en for seglande båtens

A Tadibe was left on trial on an uninhabited island in the sea. They saw him coming from there sitting on the water, with the speed of a sailing boat.
Fordnade Tadibeerne kunde se och wisa åt andra
lunga och andra mvartes[människovarelsers] delar hos lefvande varelser.

The ancient Tadibes could see and show to other men parts of the lungs and other parts of living human beings.

Bolvaner ställas mot östen med
ansigtet mot vester.
Bolvans are set with their face pointing to the west.
Obs. Gudabilder af
2 slag:
Here, Castrén’s explanation of the difference between the meaning of TN сядэй and TN хэхэ differs from what has been explicated by Chomič and Lehtisalo; see [bolvan] and [saedaej]. It is highly possible that the meaning of the words has not been and is not strict in practical usage.

1) Häheh, med msklig[mänsklig] skepnad, alltid
påklädda hemma.
NB: Idols are of two kinds:

1) Hähe, with a human shape, always dressed at home.

2) Seädi Seadaei utan msklig[mänsklig] skepnad ofullständig, utan
kläder - blott med spetsigt
hufvud, tecknade ögon etc. Ställas
på berg, höjden, vid fången etc.

2) Seadaei, incomplete, without clothes – only with a pointed head, marked eyes, etc. They are laid on mountains, heights, by the catch, etc.