Ethnographiska, historiska och statistiska anmärkningar. 145



Ethnographiska, historiska och statistiska anmärkningar. 145


[Cap. 5]
National character, in relation to the philosophy of Hegel and Herder, can also be seen as a part of a wider phenomen in texts describing the ethnically or socially other in European travel writing and literature. It was part of the task of ethnography to describe the national character in the 19th century. In St. Petersburg, what were called psychic differences between nationalities by Nadeždin were emphasised. Although Castrén never visited the Russian Geographical Society, he was most probably aware of the discussions.

De Kaninska och Timanska Samojederne hafva
ett äkta Zijenare-lynne. Den rikaste bland dem
anser det ej vara under sin värdighet att tigga
och vägrar man dem, hvad de äska, gripa de
till grafva ord och hotelser. Bedrägeriet är en annan
ders utmärkande egenskap. En Samojed, som jag gjort
till min förtrogne, varnade mig att alldrig betala skjutspe-
ning i förskott eller betro Sam[ojed]. det minsta. En Samoj.
Ofta söka de bedraga hvarandra genom fallska docu-
menter. (Hände mig ock Ett sådant document utgafs i mitt
namn, ett annat i Venjamins. En Samojed ville meddela
mig falsk lärdom.
Sådant hafva Samojj.[Samojeder] lärt sig af Ryssar och Syrjäner.

Chapter V

National Character
The Kanin and Timan Samoyeds have a genuine gipsy character. Even the richest among them does not consider it to be below his dignity to beg and if one refuses to give what they ask for, they resort to coarse words and threats. Fraud is another of their distinctive skills. A Samoyed, who was my confidant, warned me never to pay for a ride in advance or to trust a Samoyed even a little. They often try to deceive each other through false documents. (One such document was given under my name, another in Veniamin’s.) One Samoyed wanted to give me false information. This is what the Samoyeds learned from the Russians and Syrians.
Samojederne hafva mycken anlag för satir.

The Samoyeds have a deep tendency to satire.

Samojedernes förnämsta dygd är hjelpsamhet.

The foremost virtue of the Samoyeds is helpfulness.