Ethnographiska, historiska och statistiska anmärkningar. 122



Ethnographiska, historiska och statistiska anmärkningar. 122


A Nenets wedding is a complex ritual that takes place in both the bride’s and the groom’s home camp. The wedding begins after the bride price and dowry are ready, when the groom comes, together with the spokesman and his family, to the tent of the bride. There, several ritual games, such as the capturing of the groom and his family by the bride’s family and the passing of a red cloth to the tent by the groom, take place. After a reindeer has been slaughtered and a meal served, the participants get ready to leave for the groom’s tent. Similarly, ritual games are played when the bride leaves, together with the dowry, to the groom’s tent: attempts are made to capture her from her sledge. Later, on the way, there might be people ritually stealing the bride. In the groom’s tent, a festive meal is also served. (See Chomič 1966: 167–171.)
Bruden föres med wåld af qvinnor från brud-
gummens anhöriga i släden och fastbindes och
bringas i släptåg efter brudgummens mor
till sitt nya hem. Efter bruden äro följa i släp-
tåg slädar med hemgifte. Brudens renar
böra vara betäckta med rödt kläde, så
ock de renar, hvilka bringa hemgifte.

NB: The bride is carried by force by the groom’s female relatives in a sledge, and brought after the groom's mother to his new home. The bride is followed by sledges with the dowry. The bride’s reindeer should be covered with red cloths, as should the reindeer which carry the dowry.

Ett år efter giftermålet kommer hustrun att
gästa en tid hos fadren. Hon erhåller då
kläder och hvarjehanda gåfvor, se
Pallas 1776: 72–74; 1788: 96–98.
Obs. kalym
återgifves, om hustrun snart dör.
One year after the marriage, the wife will spend some time in her father’s camp. She receives clothes and all kinds of gifts; see Pallas.

NB: Kalym is given back if the wife dies soon after marriage.