Ethnographiska, historiska och statistiska anmärkningar. 117
Ethnographiska, historiska och statistiska anmärkningar. 117
Samojederne pålägga ej sina
stränga arbeten: de fiskaTraditionally, women’s space is centred in and around the tent and the camp, in contrast to men, who work and typically move outside the tent and the camp. The tent as a whole can be considered a women’s space, as putting up and taking down the tent is led by women, who also keep the tent warm and take care of its furnishing. (Golovnev, Kukanov & Perevalova 2018: 234–237; Serpivo 2016)
sjelfva, samla sjelfve sin ved, qvinnorna sitta mest i tältet, sy kläder, koka maten. |
The Samoyeds do not put their women to work rigorously: they fish and collect firewood, and the women mostly sit in the tent, sewing clothes and cooking food. |