The holy places

{kolqos}     mit-kElE     {komand'irovka}-gE     jad-u-m     {nom'er}-E     jO:-Nin.   we-ACC   business.trip-LOC   send-0-TR.3SG   number-ACC   see-DAT  

The collective farm sent us on a business trip to see how many reindeer there were.

{nom'er}     jO:-dEllE     qodo-t-aj-dEllE     qodo-t-aj-t     jaqa-i:li,     c'uge:    
number   see-SS.PERF   lie-TR-PERF-SS.PERF   lie-TR-PERF-SS.IMPF   reach-1PL   on.the.way  
mit-kElE     SoromE     el'e     c'irgE-dej-m.    
we-ACC   man   DP   ?-PERF-TR.3SG  

After counting them and loading them we went back. On the way we didn't meet a single person.

jaqa-dEllE     ju:kE     jaqa-dEllE     c'om-o:-d'E     {kolqos}-kE     jaqa-dEllE    
reach-SS.PERF   far   reach-SS.PERF   big-V-IMPF.PART   reach-SS.PERF  
a:s'E     mid'-i:,     {poltorastE}     a:s'E-k,     d'E     ta:    
reindeer   take-TR.1PL   hundred.and.fifty   reindeer-PRED   DP   there  
{pr'im'erno}     kind'E-dE     ejmundE-gE     ej-rE-n'it     ta:-t     keb-ej-l'El-d'E.    
approximately   Moon-3   half-LOC   walk-NONIT-SS.CONN   there-ADV.ABL   leave-PERF-EV-1SG  

We travelled for a long time, then reached a large collective farm and took the reindeer, a hundred and fifty reindeer. I had travelled for about half a month.

{isp'ec'ial'nIj     provodn'ik}-Ek     kej-NilE     mit-i-n.    
special   guide-PRED   give-OF.3PL   we-0-DAT  

They gave us a special guide.

ta:-t     l'EgE     taNde:t     molGa:-n     unuN-gEn     kile-t    
there-ADV.ABL   DP   then   six-ATTR   river-PROL   wade-SS.IMPF  
{s'el'sov'et}-kE     jaqa-i:li     jo:bi:     jO:-din,     numun-E     nutn'E-jE    
village.council-LOC   reach-1PL   forest   see-SUP   with.what-INSTR   stick.out-IMPF.PART  
numO-k     l'E-l.    
house-PRED   be-SF  

We crossed six rivers and reached the village council. We went to see what sort of house stood in the forest.

tamun     c'istE     jaqa-i:li,     naGa:     c'om-o:-d'E     pe:-k    
that   completely   reach-1PL   very   big-V-IMPF.PART   mountain-PRED  
tamun     l'e:-nu-l     c'irc'E-g-ej-nu-l.    
that   be-IMPF-SF   jump-ITER-PERF-IMPF-SF  

We all went. There was a very high shining hill there.

d'E     ta:-t     jaqa-lu-kE     raj     c'uge:     c'ugO-gE    
DP   there-ADV.ABL   reach-1/2-DS   incidentally   on.the.way   road-LOC  
d'E     moN-Ni,     ti:     jaqa-tE-jli,     moN-Ni     met    
DP   say-3PL   here   reach-FUT-1PL   say-3PL   I  
kene-pE,     {int'er'esnIj}     me:stE-gE.    
friend-PL   interesting   place-LOC  

When we approached on the road, my friends said: "We have reached an interesting place."

{da},     c'om-o:-d'E     c'om-o:-d'E     {kuc'a}-k     l'E-l     bukatIn.    
yes   big-V-IMPF.PART   big-V-IMPF.PART   pile-PRED   be-SF   completely  

There was a large, very large pile there.

{raznIj}     c'olGErE     qa:r     {daZe}     SaqalE-n     qa:r-Ek    
different   hare   skin   even   fox-GEN   skin-PRED  
l'E-l,     {patron     raznIj     kot'elok     banka     kruZka    
be-SF   cartridge   differnet   cauldron   jar   mug  
c'ajn'ik     palk'i     tam     raznIj     ver'ovk'i}.    
kettle   sticks   there   different   ropes  

All sort of hare skins, even fox skins were there, all sort of cartridges, a pot, a jar, a mug, a kettle, all sort of sticks and ropes.

c'umut     l'E-j,     c'umut     l'E-j.    
all   be-3SG   all   be-3SG  

Everything was there.

d'E     tabun-gElE     mon-i,     tuda:     aj     ta:-t    
DP   that-ACC   say-3SG   earlier   also   there-ADV.ABL  
mido-Ni-dE-gE     irk-i-n     {vr'em'a}-gE     a:s'E-lE     mit     c'O:l'E-d    
roam-PL-3-DS   one-0-ATTR   time-LOC   reindeer-INSTR   we   ancient-GEN  
omni:     saqanE     mido-Ni-dE-gE     ta:-t     tinnEj-dej-t     mad-a:-l'El-Ni,    
people   at.time   roam-PL-3-DS   there-ADV.ABL   rest-PERF-SS.IMPF   sit-INCH-EV-3PL  
modo-Ni-dE-gE     irk-i-n     {babuSka}-k     O:-n'e:-l'El-u-l,     terikE-k.    
sit-PL-3-DS   one-0-ATTR   grandmother-PERD   child-PROPR-EV-0-SF   old.woman-PRED  

Then the guide said: "In the olden days, in the time of the ancient people, when people roamed on reindeer they used to stop here to have a rest. When they sat there, there was an old woman, a grandmother.

d'E     ta:     l'E-NidE     ta:     jO:-Ni-dE-gE     raj    
DP   there   be-SS.COND   there   see-PL-3-DS   incidentally  
ta:-t     l'E-llE     ataq-u-n     O:-n'e:-l'El     ta-N     terikE.    
there-ADV.ABL   be-SS.PERF   two-0-ATTR   child-PROPR-EV   that-ATTR   old.woman  

That old woman had two children.

jO:-dE     ta-N     a:s'E-gi     ta-N     terikE     qodo    
see-SS.ITER   that-ATTR   reindeer-3   that-ATTR   old.woman   how  
modo-l     ta:-t     c'ire-j-l'El,     Sel'g-e-s',     c'ire-j-l'El.    
sit-AN   there-ADV.ABL   drown-PERF-EV   break-PERF-3SG   drown-PERF-EV  

They saw that old woman had drowned under the snow sitting on a reindeer, her body was broken.

d'E     O:r-pE-p-ki     jO:-dEllE,     qodo     kude,     mo-llE    
DP   child-PL-PL-3   see-SS.PERF   how   become   say-SS.PERF  
mOd-ej-Ni,     El=an'-n'-o:-l     bukatIn.    
hear-PERF-3PL   NEG-speak-PROPR-RES-AN   completely  

Her children looked and asked what happened, but she didn't answer.

In the last clause the Action Nominal is used as the final predicate.

El=an'-n'a:-nu-j,     aZu:-gi     Sobol'E-l,     nugen-E     l'e:-l'El     kerpe:-l'El.    
NEG-speak-PROPR-IMPF-3SG   word-3   finish-SF   arm-INSTR   be-EV   sweep-EV  

She didn't answer at all. Her voice disappeared and she waved her hand.

d'E     keb-ej-Ni-k,     mon-i.    
DP   leave-PERF-PL-IMP   say-3SG  

She said: "Well, go away."

d'E     keb-ej-l'El-Ni,     d'E     ataql-i-d'E     {il'i}     jalm-i-d'E    
DP   leave-PERF-EV-3PL   DP   two-0-FREQ   or   three-0-FREQ  
ammEl-dE-gE     aj     kel-l'El-Ni.    
spend.night-3-DS   also   come-EV-3PL  

They went away, spent two nights somewhere, and came again.

ta-NidE     jO:-din     a:s'E-gi     moldE     unmu-d     i:s'E    
that-ADV.DIR   see-SUP   reindeer-3   only   antler-GEN   point  
egedE-j     {tol'ko}.    
look.out-3SG   only  

They looked there: only the top of a reindeer horn was seen.

{vot},     ta-N     ...     emej-pE-gi     o:-l'El,     ta-N    
DP   that-ATTR   ...   mother-PL-3   be-EV   that-ATTR  
{babuSka}     jO:-dE     moldE     jo:s'E-k     tO:n-pE-gi     {tol'ko    
grandmother   see-SS.ITER   only   piece-PRED   that-PL-3   only  
v'idno},     [jed-u:-j]     jed-u:-j.    
seen   be.seen-INTR-3SG   be.seen-INTR-3SG  

Their mother was there, but only a pile of snow remained from her.

d'E     ta:-t     tamun     lej-din     SoromE-n'-i,     mit    
DP   there-ADV.ABL   that   know-SUP   man-PROPR-3SG   we  
ti:     l'e:-lu-kE     melGEl-Nin     aj     El=jO:-dE     a:s'E-n    
here   be-1/2-DS   close-DAT   also   NEG-see-SS.ITER   reindeer-GEN  
kO:kE,     mon-i,     unmu-gi.    
animal's.head   say-3SG   antler-3  

So we, people, should know, that when we are here, when we are in the vicinity we can only see the head of the reindeer, its horn."

ta:-t     Ojl'E,     tO:n     {razno}-No:-d'o:n     qam-u-n     n'EmolGi-n    
there-ADV.ABL   no   that   different-V-SUBN   how.many-0-ATTR   year-GEN  
taGari:     {kuc'a}-k     Saqal'E-S-o:-gi     {pr'im'erno}     SoromE-gE     ti-N    
there   pile-PRED   gather-CAUS-RES-3   approximately   man-LOC   this-ATTR  

That woman was not there. There were old piles gathered there, up to about that high on a man.

{takoj     kuc'a}-lEk     Saqal'E-S-o:-pE-gi.    
such   pile-PRED   gather-CAUS-RES-PL-3  

Such piles were gathered there.

ta:-t     keb-ej-dEllE     irk-i-n     me:stE-gE     jaqa-i:li     ...    
there-ADV.ABL   leave-PERF-SS.PERF   one-0-ATTR   place-LOC   reach-1PL   ...  
{protoka}     jalGil-gE.    
channel   lake-LOC  

Then we walked further and came to a place on lake Protoka.

The name of the channel is unclear.

e-dO:n     irk-i-n     me:stE-gE     {pol'a}-n'E-j,     ta:     jaqa-dEllE    
PRON-that   one-0-ATTR   place-LOC   field-PROPR-3SG   there   reach-SS.PERF  
irk-i-n     {pol'a}-gE     l'E-lEk     {kr'es}-E-lEk     oG-o:-l.    
one-0-ATTR   field-LOC   be-PRED   cross-0-PRED   stand-RES-SF  

There were clearings there. There was a cross standing in one clearing.

ta-N     {kr'es}     ...     mo-d'E,     a-dO:n     aj    
that-ATTR   cross   ...   say-1SG   PRON-that   also  
mon-i,     ti:     aj     l'E-lEk     l'E-l.    
say-3SG   here   also   be-PRED   be-SF  

I said: "What about this cross?" He said: "It is also here.

irk-i-n     SoromE     irk-i-n     l'E-n'E     irk-i-n     SoromE-n'E,    
one-0-ATTR   man   one-0-ATTR   be-COM   one-0-ATTR   man-COM  
mOd-i:-k,     {d'ik'ij}     SoromE-n'E     kimd'e:-l'El-Ni.    
hear-TR-IMP   wild   man-COM   fight-EV-3PL  

People fought with a wild man here.

'Wild man' or SeguZuj SoromE literally 'escaping man' is a half-real half-mythical character of the folklore of many northern Siberian people. Originally they were probably people who were excluded from the tribes for some violation of tribal rules and forced to live on their one. 'Wild people' are thought of as being large and hairy, dangerous to real people.

ta-N     kimd'i:-t     ta-N     SoromE     kej-dej-l'El-u-l     ta-N    
that-ATTR   fight-SS.IMPF   that-ATTR   man   before-PERF-EV-0-SF   that-ATTR  

They fought him and defeated him.

tamuN-Nin     {pam'atn'ik}     ege-t-o:-pE-gi,     istElba:.    
that-DAT   statue   stand-TR-RES-PL-3   pole  

A monument is erected for that, a pole."