The stories that were around in the time of the ancient people became folktales. |
People said there were dark spots on the Moon. |
They reached the end telling different things. |
They said that a long time ago in the time of the ancient people one family with many children had found an orphan girl, who was left alone after the death of her parents. |
They wanted to bring her up, so that she stayed with them. |
They always made that orphan girl work, cut wood, carry wood, and nurse the baby. Also she always went for the water. |
She used to come to the bank of the river from their house. She did not have any clothes at all. |
She also wanted to see something. |
She asked for some food from those people who did not feed her well. |
Sometimes when she became tired, she used to go to sleep without taking her clothes off, without getting undressed. |
When the night came, if the baby was crying, they asked her to nurse it: "Please, look after our baby. Feed it and don't let it cry." Comment:
She was sleepy, but had to take out that crying baby. |
So without sleeping she nursed the baby till the morning and then went for the wood. |
After cutting the wood she brought in the water and fired up the oven. |
Her clothes were torn. |
So one day in the moonlight she was carrying the water in a bucket. Comment:
Holding her buckets she stood in the light of the Moon and thought: "It would be nice if I go to that other land, up there. It must be a nice, dear land. |
If only I could live on that land. |
It is always quiet there." Comment:
One day when she was walking she got tired and asked the Moon: "Moon, take me to yourself. |
If you are close, I came to you. |
They treat me badly here: they make me nurse the baby, feed me badly and torture me." |
She walked and spoke like this with the moonlight for several nights, until one day the Moon came down to her. |
That orphan girl stepped on it, still holding her buckets. |
She stepped on it and flew up to the sky. Comment:
When she had flown away, people started looking for her, wondering where she had gone. |
They looked but couldn't find her. They walked here and there, and wondered where she had gone or who had taken her. |
So a person was lost. All the people gathered together looking for her. |
There was one old man, the oldest among them. |
That old man said that there was a shaman. |
He went to the shaman and said: "Our child got lost. |
Look for her steps where she has gone," he said. |
That shaman called him "brother", talked to him, sat down and started shamanizing. |
He said: "That child of yours is not in this place. |
She has flown up to the sky, and there she has stuck to the Moon." Comment:
Then that man went out and saw that she was standing there, holding her buckets and spreading them apart. |
After this, that man returned and told the following. |
"It was the Moon that took our girl. She is standing there spreading her buckets apart. How can she come back to the earth?" Comment:
Then they understood everything and said: "It was the Moon that took our orphan girl." |
This is the end. |