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Negation has been the subject of several studies by Uralic linguists, but to this date there has been no investigation that would include the summary of negative constructions in one or several Uralic languages. This study attempts to present the…

Eripainos Suomalais-Ugrilaisen Seuran Aikakauskirjasta 30

CONTENTS List of Tables Acknowledgements Sources of the Data Notational Conventions List of Abbreviations INTRODUCTION The Chakhar Mongols §1. The Origin of the Chakhar §2. The History of the Chakhar §3. The Name of the Chakhar §4. The…

One hundred years ago, the Finnish military and political leader Gustaf Mannerheim, as an officer in the Russian army who had recently returned from the Russo-Japanese war, made a legendary reconnaissance and research expedition across Asia to…

Charlotte Damm & Janne Saarikivi: Introduction [PDF] Part I ...and beyond T. Max Friesen: Alaskan Analogues and Eastern Uncertainties: Reconstructing Thule Inuit Interaction Networks in the Eastern Nort American Arctic [PDF] Peter Jordan: From…

CONTENTS David W. Anthony: Persistent identity and Indo-European archaeology in the western steppes; Christian Carpelan: Late Palaeolithic and Mesolithic settlement of the European north – possible linguistic implications; Christian Carpelan &…

Abstract Mordvin is a Finno-Ugrian language pair that is considered to be more closely related to the Saami and Finnic groups than any other language. Nevertheless, Erzya-Mordvin has word stress that does not conform to any previously described…

Eripainos Suomalais-Ugrilaisen Seuran Aikakauskirjasta 28

Eripainos Finnisch-Ugrische Forschungenin 9. niteestä

Handi rahvas elab Venemaal Lääne-Siberis Obi ja selle lisajõgede ääres. Käesolevas albumis vaadeldakse põhjahantide kodust tarbevara ja selle ornamente 20. sajandi viimasel veerandil. Võluvad on põhjapõdranahast, kasetohust ja riidest valmistatud…

This volume is one of the publications by the Helsinki Area & Language Studies initiative (HALS), a research community promoting culturally grounded language studies. The book is the result of a student field trip to the Republic of Mordovia in…

Das vorliegende Buch enthält Anmerkungen zu den südostjakischen Texten Karjalainens (MSFOu 157). Der ersteTeil dieser Erörterungen von Edith Vértes erschien 1997 (MSFOu 225). Mit dieser Publikation wird die Jahrzehnte lange Arbeit von Edith Vértes…
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