Selaa julkaisuja (yhteensä 712)

Pekka Lehtimäki, Tutkijan tikapuut. Zusammenfassung: Die Laufbahn des Forschers. Terho Itkonen, -siin vai -hin monikon illatiivissa? (1959). Summary: -siin or -hin in the Illative Plural?; Sananrajaisten äänneilmiöiden synkroniaa ja diakroniaa…

The dissertation is a synchronic description of adnominal person in the highly synthetic morphological system of Erzya as attested in extensive Erzya-language written-text corpora consisting of nearly 140 publications with over 4.5 million words and…

What do we know about the prehistory of languages and cultures in areas, such as Northern Europe that do not have written documents or large extinct cities? For decades, archaeology and linguistics, two disciplines weaving together multiple…

Skolt Saami is an Eastern Saami language within the Uralic family. This grammar presents an overview of the phonology, morphology and syntax of Skolt Saami, paying particular attention to its highly complex morphophonological and inflectional…

suomalais-ugrilainen seura 1883-1933.png
Eripainos Suomalais-Ugrilaisen Seuran Aikakauskirjasta 46

Thisbook is part of a dissertation by Konstantin Zamyatin. The dissertation focuses on the phenomenon of granting minority languages official status. The concepts of official language and minority language do not seem to be outright compatible and…
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