HomePublicationsManuscripta Castreniana Ostiak-SamoiedicaVerbal adjectives and adverbs

Verbal adjectives and adverbs


Editor’s introduction

In this section are listed both the forms that appear in Castrén’s paradigms and those found elsewhere.

Text in black is Castrén’s (original or translated into English, sometimes both, separated by a slash), text in grey is the editor’s.

Aorist participle

[The aorist participle (n)təľ is labelled ‘present or preterite participle’ or either of these (mostly however only ‘participle’) in the original grammars. The term aorist participle comes in the combined grammar (G143 , 144), and already on 463 as “present or preterite (aorist) participle”, but there referring to the adjective from the nomen actionis. The aorist participle denotes by verbs of durative aspect present (‘living’), by verbs of momentane aspect the immediate past (‘dead (now)’.]

G120 The present or preterite participle suffix is dal (*di), as by adjectives.


Consonant stems

amdal-gup 139

ormdal 139, 199

äramdal 199

niemdal 178

pöttal 137

elttal 137

čittal-gup 136, c̢îttàl [sic, -à-] G141

pandal-gup (preterite) 138

šertal gup 187

mirdal-g. 188

auartal g. 188

hadartal g. 188

handšartal g. 188

tortal 192

hepkaldšal, 137, G145, Nm hepkalsal 137

elaldšal gup 138

Schwa stems

čádaedal клано, [Nm] cadaendal (склал) 122, čadandal [as participle of ćātəntə-] 123

álčedal 126, alčedal 191

[ālćəntə-:] alčendadal (?) [question mark by Castrén] 126)

wačedál 129

togoldšedal 129

kaidal 132

kerdal 133, 188

lerdal, léredal 133, léredäl 147, lerdal-gup 138

[parə-:] pardal 134, pardal gup 187

eldal, éldäl живущий 135, eldal 147, eldal-gop 193

ómdedal 140

ā́mdedal 140, amdadal 175, 194

čadšadal gop едущий человек 177

udšedal-gup 179

nagendšedal-gup писарь / scribe 180

čurdal-g. 188

[ki̮ränčə-:] kerennendšel g[up] 188

kaldal 188

perdal 189

pendšadal-g[up] 189

[pūntə-:] pundadal 189

[pūnčə-:] pundšadal-g[up] 189

njóndšadal g[up] 189

tîndadal 189

ačedal-gup 191

hadšedal 191

čittadal 192

eppadal-gup [lying person] 128, 177


alčaembadal 127

čadaembadal, čadambadal 122, čadambadal 123, 195

togoldšembadal 192

mešpadal 196

töšpadal 190

ogolešpadal который учился 196

Fixed vowel stems

čadakudal 125

alčekudal 127, 191

parkudal 190

medakudal 197

tänudal 175, 190

[šergu]-dal 187

tökudal 197

[/ćāŋkutəľ/ in compound numerals:] čangul, dšal[‿g-], dšak[‿k-] 35, 36, Nm cangul, cag[‿n-], čang[‿s-], čáng[‿g-] 35, 36

ljorgádal 199

negedal 190

njódal 130, njodal (njondal) 189

pudal, pundal 189

tîdal 189

pedal (= pebal [i.e. meaning the same as the past participle]) 131, pédal, pendal 189)

tudal 131, tudal (tundal) 190

čödal (čöndal) 189

édäl бывший [sic] 141, edäl 180, †edàl (†endàl) [sic, -à-] G153


Schwa stems

naadarntel needing 433


tyyn‿ambede koač burned town 448

Fixed vowel stems

[/ćāŋkutəj/ in compound numerals:] čaadi 459


Consonant stems

suurutše-gum hunter 266

kuelče-gum fisher 266

teldšer-suurm [flying animal = bird] Wa420

kyngdal strid / rapid (streaming) Wa370

Schwa stems

aamnendi sitting 453

kerende g[um] 275

elnde-g[um] 275, elndie 135, ilnde (-i) Wa343

moodjendi (-e) halt / lame Wa387, Wb239

tassundi Wa420, Wb319

njuindi Wb247

kyydendi Wa370

kuesendi-g. (-е-g.) [hungry man] Wa383

tydindei [stinking] Wa425, tydindi Wb326


aandalbede (-i) or aandalba‹d›a g. [happy man] Wa339

kabrambedi (-e) Wa366

oogolmbede-g. [учений] Wa350

k͔uumbedi [мертвый, död] Wb214

ödúmbedi våt / wet Wa410

[mangém]-badal [tight] Wa419

Fixed vowel stems

[/ćāŋkutəj/ in compound numerals:] tjaadi, tjal[‿d-, ‿t-], tjas[‿s-], tjaan[‿n-] 35, 36

*eende (-i) 278


Consonant stems

kueletje-gum промышленник [fisher] 325

suurutje 325, G144

somberie-g. [wizard (shaman)] Wa383

telderes-(-l-)suurm [flying animal = bird] Wa420, Wb319

kyngdel = kyngdí Wa370

Schwa stems

tjaačendie-gum [который] зажег / the person that lit 314

uutjendie-g[um] (-öndyö-) som arbetar / working 318, uutjendie or uutjendyö 318

ortteöndyö-g[um] 318, orttöndyö-g[um] 318

[ńōtə-:] njoočendyö-gum (present) 321

ilndie 322, ilndí or ilendie Wa343

parindi-yt [vodka] Wa398

tourundyö [sic] [knowing] Wa421

nägendie-g[um] [writing person, /ne̮kənnənčəj/] Wa393

njyuundy 319, njuujyndy Wa393

k͔yydĕndy (-ndyö) Wa370

k͔uesendie-g. Wa383


tjaačembedie-g[um] [который] зажигал / person who has lit 314, tjaačembedie-g[um] кот[орый] топит / person who fires 314

nermbedi-g[um] боязливый / fearing person 320

ieppedie-g[um] [который] бывал 324

uogolembedi Wa350, Wb178

[tiirem]-bedi Wa418

Fixed vowel stems

tjaačekundi-gum 315

[/ćāŋŋuntəj/ in compound numerals:] tjeundi, tjeui[‿k-], tjeul[‿d-], tjeul[‿n-], tjeul[‿t-] 297

njoondyö-gum следующий / following (chasing) person 321

iendie-g[um] 324


Consonant stems

somberi-gum Wa383

kyundje Wa370

kuandje G144

*pandje G144

Schwa stems

[tjaačen]-dje-g[um] 314

jilendje 337, iilndi Wa343

moodjedje Wa387

lägenindje-j. [sic, ɔ: -g.] Wa393

njuuyndje 339, Wa393, njúyndje Wb247

kýydendjö Wa370

[k͔uese]-ndje Wa383


kumbetje (= kuubie) dead 326, kumbeatje 337, kuumbadje Wa378, kuubatje [sic] G149

[tjaače]-mbetje skjuten fågel / a shot bird (= tjaačembie suurm) 326

maačembetji sårad / wounded 326

[tjirm]-bedi Wa418

panalembetji kyndö испорченный лошадь / spoiled horse, panalembetji iegang [I am spoiled (doubtful construction)] 326

Fixed vowel stems

[/ćāŋŋuntəj/ in compound numerals:] tjeundj[‿yö-], tjeui[‿k-], tjeul[‿t-], tjeul[‿n-], tjeul[‿t-] 297

iendje 324


Consonant stems

amdei-g[um] 277

ormde 277

pandi 277

kȳngdi ke [flowing river] (kyyngdi) Wa370

suureldje-gum jägare / hunter 266

kueleldje-gum fiskafångare / fisher 266

somberi-ǥum trollkarl / wizard (shaman) Wb281

tĭldser-suurum [flying animal = bird] Wa420, Wb319

paraldse 276

nildjoldse-gum 276

Schwa stems

tjaadendi-gum [который зажига]л 264

kaaindi 275

lakkendi [sic, -kk-. Supposed to be lak͔ə- ‘to work’] 271

puudendi 268

uudjendi-gum 270

taundi 275

kerendi 275

njedendi-gum женатый / married 271

[/sērə-/:] seerĕndi 276

[/sērəsi-/?:] seerĕsende 276

wattjendi 267

togoldsendi 267

ilndi (-e) 275, ilndé (-i) levande Wa343

parindi Wb260: parind-yt Wa398, 229

pattind-yt (= parind-yt водка) 229

tinundi знающий / knowing Wa421

tassundĭ (djel) kall [cold day] Wa420, Wb319

njūjidi söt Wa393

k͔yydaεndi (gom) больной Wa370

k͔uesedi (gum) Wa383, Wb222


aamdendi-g[um] 277

tjaadembedi который зажигал 265, tjadembedi (давно) 264

uudjembede 271

cagembadi Wa416, Wb303

kapparmbede fet Wa366

kooptengbedi sir oxe / ox [castrated bull], k͔ooptengbedi, but -bede sir Wa360

k͔uubedi [dead, /k͔ūbbədi/, denasalisation] Wb214

teembadĭ [rotten] Wa420, Wb319

ogolbade ученный [/ōk͔ələbbədi/, denasalisation] 227

yttúmbedi сырой, våt / wet Wa410

tiimbada-s. (-bede-) [flying animal = bird] Wa420

tiirmbedi Wb315

syyumbadĕ Wa407

eembadi (-e) бывал / having been (= eeppadi) 278

Fixed vowel stems

ádundi gum 272

tjaadêkunde 266

tjaangundi 279, [in compound numerals:] tjaadin[‿g-], tjaada, tjăs[‿s-], tjan[‿n-], tjal[‿n-] 297)

njoondi [который гна]л / who has chased 273

peendi 274

eende (-i) 278


Consonant stems

tildšeres-ʃuuram [flying animal = bird] Wa420, Wb319

kȳngdál (čueč) strid / rapid [place] Wa370

Schwa stems

čaadándie 314

ilàndie-g[um] 322, ilándie Wa343

parridi Wa398, Wb260

tinnundae (gum) Wa421

tassundie Wa420

kȳtándie Wa370

näkandšendí?›-ǥum Wa393

k͔uesindie Wa383, Wb222


mimbedi-mê отдано-то / a given away thing 337

membedi-mê сделано / a made thing 337

imbedi mê взято / a taken thing 337

[tjaada]-mbidae-g[um] 314

oogalimbedi Wb178

kuumbadie Wa378, Wb214

čêkambadál Wa416

tiirimbidai Wa418

syumbidai het Wa407

Fixed vowel stems

[/ćāŋkuntəj/ in compound numerals:] tjaangundi, tjangdel, tjaandel, tjaadii, tjas[‿s-], tjan[‿n-] 297


Schwa stems

ilndil 349

njúnjedil 355

kyytendil 353


kumbedil мертвый 353

Fixed vowel stems

[In compound numeral ‘9’:] tjaangudel 350


Consonant stems

k͔ueletjel-g. fiskfångare / fish catcher 380

šibatjel-g. andfångare / duck catcher 380

ámarel-gum ätare / eater 380

suuritjel 385

(kučarnam хожу:) kučarel-g. 379

(tjaadšernam кую / I forge:) tjaadšerel-g. smith 379

minerel-g. [кто] промышляет / who hunts 379

Schwa stems

tjaatedel-gum [кто] добыл / who lit 379

alčendel [кто] упал / who fell 382

ippedil-g. liggande / lying [person] 380

nыngedil-g. stående / standing 380

āmdedil-g. sittande / sitting 380

uudjendel-g. 380

aamarko (kîkal or) kîkendi-gum кто есть хочет / who wants to eat (wanting-to-eat person) 380

[/ćāŋkə(n)təľ/ in compound numerals:] tjää[‿g-], tjää[‿s-], djää[‿n-], iä́di[‿g-], ä́djä[‿n-], andja[‿t-] 370


tjaatembedi-g. [кто] добыл / who lit 379

Fixed vowel stems

tuundel-g. гребец / rowing person 379

njoondil-gup som jagar / chasing person 380

somak tjyndedil som väl skjuter / well shooting 380

éndil (eendil) сущий / being 386


430 The actual ending for the participle is -l, which however seldom is added immediately to the stem, although this sometimes happens, but through the addition -de-, so that the participle ending becomes -del. Monosyllabic words with long vowel preferably make their participle from the determined form on -ndam [the latentive], but also from the undetermined [the aorist (ɔ: the stem)], e.g. njootel.

Those on -rnang do not take the [addition] suffix (amarel).

Those on -lnang take the ending -dšel.

Those on -nnang take the ending -ttel.

Verbs on -ndam (the determined form [the latentive]) make participles on -ndel.

Those on -bam (-ng) take -bel [actually the past participle] or -bedel. NB. In short stems, [addition] suffix is added, in long stems not.

Consonant stems

(konnam hosta:) kottel 430

(monnam бил:) mottel (mootel) 430

(pönnang:) pöttel E483

(tjändennang вымок:) tjändettel-g[um] мокрый человек / wet(ted) person E482

(korbennam мешаю:) korbettel-g[um] E482

tjeldjettel-g[um] som trampar / that tramples 430

tuerettel-g[um] tjuv / thief 430

(kuennam убил:) kuettel-g[um] mördare / murderer E483

(šyynnam сошил:) šyttel-g[um] som syr / that sews [ɔ: that sew] E483, 430

amdel-g[um] 431

mirengdel-g[um] 431


(kuennang уехал:) kuendel-g[um] (= past participle kuenbel) 438

(pinnam клал:) pindel-g[um] 438


k͔óptengnam клал: kooptengdel-g[um] ([latentive] k͔ooptengdam) E483


(uunnjang куропатки промышляю:) uttjel-g[um] (cfr. [schwa stem] uutjang работаю: uutjendel-g[um]) E482

(sêngennjang утки промышляю:) -ettjel-g[um] E482

(langennjang заревел:) langettjel-g[um] E482

suuretjel-g[um] (-č-) hunter 417

kueletjel-g[um] fisher 417

pisetjèl-g[um] 429


minerél-g[um] hunter 417

tjaaterél-gum smith 417

[ńōtər-:] njotterel-g[um] körare / driver 417

amarel-g[um] ätare / eater 429

konderel-g[um] sovare / sleeper (-rnam [sic]) 429

tjok͔k͔orel-gum (-rnam) 430

NB. (parnam вил:) parrél-g[um] E482

(šeernam:) šeerel E482


kuečkaldšel-g[um] (-lnam) 430

lak͔arel-g[um] (-ram [sic, ɔ: -rnam]) 430

tjeldjoldšel-g[um] som trampar / that tramples [ɔ: trampled] 430

Schwa stems
[verbs of durative aspect:]

(lagaram шевелю:) lagarendel-g[um] E482, lak͔arendel 430

(peeram söka:) peerendel-g[um] E482

(tjuurang:) tjuurendel (-dil) E482

(teenttang говорю:) teenttendel (-dil) E482

(pändšang плаву:) pännendšel-g[um] E483

(näkendšam пишу:) näkennendšel E483

temdedel-g[um] merchant 417

aamdedel som sitter / sitting 429

tî́ndedel-g[um] (“= tîndel-g[um]”) 429

kondedel som sover / sleeping 429

šyttedel sy (“= šyttel”) 430

tatedel som bär / bringing 430

kuendedel som bär / carrying 430

peeretel 430

êteldšel-g[um] som väntar / that waits 430

[/ćāŋkətəľ/ in compound numerals:] tjäädel, tjäädi, tjää[‿k], ää́tэ[‿k], iääi[‿k], iä́del[‿k] 393

[verbs of momentane aspect:]

(îtam весил:) itendel-gum кто весил / who hang up E481

(îttétjam на час повесил?:) ittétjendel-gum кто весил / who hang up E481

(eteptam спрятал:) eteptendel-g[um] E481

(ippátjam давил:) ippátjendel-g[um] E481

(orátjam имал:) orátjendel? (-ndšel) E482

(saaram привязал:) saarendel E482

(kêtam сказал:) kêtendel-g[um] E482

(kuunang убежал:) kuunendel-g[um] E482

(kuram вил:) kurendel-g[um] E482

(keeltjang разбудился:) keeltjendel-g[um] E482

(mačam skära:) mačedšel or -ndšel E482, mäčäl or mačandel 430

(päletam:) päletendel-g[um] E482

(taak͔k͔am постелю:) taak͔k͔andel E482

(tiiram наполнил:) tiirendel E482

(tuelam украл:) tuelendel E482

(k͔uendang унес:) k͔uennendšel-g[um] E483

(saadšam окусил:) saadšendšel-g[um] som bet / person that bit E483

(k͔amdšam вылил:) k͔amnendšel E483

(maandšam смерил:) maannendšel E483

(pööčam согрел:) pöčendšel-g[um] E483

pöčel-g[um] som eldar / that heats [ɔ: heated] 430

tjaadedel-g[um] som gör eld / who makes fire [ɔ: who lit] 430

k͔amdedel-g[um] utgjuta 430

(k͔andetjang замерз:) k͔andétjendel-g[um] E483

(mačetjam резал:) mačétjendel-g[um] E483

(motétjam (-tt-) бил:) mottétjendel-g[um] (-t-), so all words on -tjam (-ng) E483


tjaadembedel (= [nomen actionis adjective] -beptel) 417, tjaadembedil-g[um] (-del) 419

šitemdel-g[um] [/śitəmməntəľ/] som väcker / that wakes 430

ippedel or -ndel-g[um] 430

tjyyndelä taanambedel-gum [sic] a man learned to shoot E451

Fixed vowel stems

(ippángam давлю:) ippandel-g[um] E481

(orangam имаю:) orándel-g[um] E482

(näkängam тяну:) näkändel-g[um] E484

(nok͔angam пехаю:) nok͔andel-g[um] E484

moočandel som haltar / limping 430

(njoongam:) njoondel-g[um] E484, njoondel-g[um] som jagar / hunting = njootel 429

puundel-g[um] blower 417

tuundel-g[um] som ror / rowing (from the form tundal?) 429

peendel som söker / seeking 430

tyyndedel-gum som far / that goes [ɔ: comes] 430

(mingam:) mindel E484

(nyyngam öppna:) nyyndel E484

tîndel-g[um] som grälar / that quarrels [ɔ: quarreled] 429

tyyndel som kom / that came 430

eendel som är / being 432

E481 An exception from this rule [?] are the words that make future on -čam:

(iingam [I took]:) iindel-g[um] (desiderative iičam: latentive iindam), (meengam сделал:) meendel (desiderative meečam: latentive meendam).

[Castrén is of the opinion that the participle consists of latentive ntə + adjective ľ. On 417 he claims the participle ending to be plainly (ä)l. This false assumption stems from the verbs on r, where r+t > r:]

417 NB. This participle is formed by the ending -él, added to the stem, but those who in simple form have the meaning of preterite reluctantly use this form, but rather [present participle] from the form on -bam. On the other hand present participle is made from the simple form, e.g. wuerel, puundel.

417 wuerél-gum guard, apsetam: apsetel-g[um] fostrare / raiser [the latter being < apsətətəľ, the first is unclear].


Consonant stems

kuettjel g[um] [breathing man] Wb201

tilderel-suurum [flying animal = bird] Wb319

tjaaterel-ǥ. or tjaarerel-g[um] Wb328

Schwa stems

ilndelj Wb170

parenjendil Wb260

êäk͔andendel-k͔. [stammering person] Wb173

tekerendel-g[um] Wb296

kî́štil [hungry] Wb222

[/ćāŋkətəľ/ in compound numerals:] tjaangedel, tjaadel, tjanged[‿š-], [-t‿]ejang [‿š-] 395


tjeelengbedel Wb293

Past participle

[The past participle pəľ appears regularly in the original N paradigms. As the participle is not productive in the next dialects he studied (MO, Č, K, NP), Castrén has omitted it from the paradigms for the other dialects, and so also from the combined grammar, except from the note below.]

G149 From [verbal constructions with durative to express passive] is constructed with the usual adjective suffix ‹l?› (*die, *dje, *tje) an participial adjective that with the aid of the verbal auxiliary makes a periphrastic conjugation, e.g. panalbal [destroyed], madзembal‿eang I am wounded [note: here is actually a gerund]. G150 NB. Č kubie, kuubatje [sic, ɔ: OO kumbatje, aorist participle from k͔ūmpi-] [dead].


Consonant stems

ambal 139

č̢itpal 136

pötpal warm 137, 29, pȫtpel Wa401, pötpel 29

tokuatpal тесный / tight 18, tokoatpal Wa419

panbal 138

parbal 134, 187, parbalmî плетюшка / wickerwork, braided thing 187

šerbal 135

hepkalbal 137

Schwa stems

čadaebal 122, čadabal 195

hä́lbä‹l›-gup 125

álčebal 126, alčebal упавший 191

wačebal 129

čagebal [dried] Wb208, čagebal grund / shallow Wa416, Wb303, Nm cцagebal Wa416

kerbal 133

lerbal (lérbäl) 133, lerbäl 147

elbal живший / lived 135

kandabal-öt [frozen] water 30

kunabal gop беглый / fugitive person 28

ahal nädäbäl ogift / unmarried Wa339, 42

togoldšebal 129

ogollaldšebal учений / learnt Wa350, ogolaldšebel 23, Nm ogollalsebal Wa350

kabrabal fet / fat Wa366, Wb210, 7, Nm k͔ắbrabal Wa366

kalmerubal 7, kălmerbal klar / bright Wa374

kîrmdšebal ранен / wounded 60, kê̆́rndšebal [sic] Wa372, Nm kermsebal Wa372

šöubal dšel жаркий день / hot day 29, šöubal (= šöumbadal) 35

tirbal [full, täytetty = tirmbal] 11

ómdebal 140

aamdebal 140

kalbal оставший / left 188


tirmbal full [täyttynyt, = tirbal] Wa418, tiirmbal Wb315

témbal гнилый, кислый Wa420, Wb319

Fixed vowel stems

tänubal-gop знающий / knowing [ɔ: known person] Wa421, tänupal gup 21

njóbal 130

kū́bal мертвый, dead Wa378, k͔uubal Wb214

Nm tébäl [rotten] Wa420

pebal 131, 189

mebel‿mî [made thing] (means ‘my work’, “my done”, takes verbal [sic] suffixes) 178

töbal-gup прише‹дший› / come 190


Consonant stems

tyyn‿ambi koač burned town 448


Fixed vowel stems

k͔uubie () (kuubie gum) [dead person] Wa378

ciebie, ciebí гнилый, ciebie-guel [rotten fish] Wa417



tjaačembie suurm skjuten fågel / a shot bird (= [aorist participle] -mbetje, passive) 326

maačembie utэ sårad hand / wounded [cut] hand (= maačembetji) 326

panalembie kyndö (= panalembetji) испорченный лошадь / spoiled horse 326

Fixed vowel stems

kuubie (= kumbetje) dead 326, 337

čiebí rotten Wa417



tiirmbal [full] Wa418


Schwa stems

tjaatebel-gum 379

alčebel [кто] упал / who fell 382

čégebel (-ế-) сухой Wb208

pirebel aps [fried food] SQNK

k͔aperepel Wb210

taanamdebel Wb178

Fixed vowel stems

kuubel (-il) Wb214

eepel бывший 386


Consonant stems

ămbel (-lj) E443

k͔uenbel Wb212

njenjemátpel [angry, vihastunut] Wb302

Schwa stems

kuendebel-g[um] 430

ilebel жилый, som länge levat, utlevad / outlived Wb170

mačebel skuren / cut E454

k͔aanjebel (-bilj) täckt / covered Wb221

čekebel Wb208

tuelebel (-lj) stulen / stolen E443

mat tjättebel šiipa min skjutna and / my shot duck E454

[molmä́]-ptebel Wb286

selebel (-il) slipad / sharpened Wb191

k͔aperebel (-b-) Wb210

apsetebel-g[um] född, gödd Wb161, E459 (кормленный человек E466)

êteptebiil gömd / hidden E466, êteptebel (-bil, -lj) Wb173

yyryptčebel förlorad / lost Wb185

taanamdebel Wb178

nuunetjébel-(-lj-)g[um] trött / tired person Wb250


[k͔ompi-:] k͔oombel найденный / found E454

Fixed vowel stems

[k͔o-:] koobel [found] E454

kuubel-gum [dead person] E464

mipel 432

iibel 432, iipilj (-el) 1. som tog / that took, 2. som är tagen / that is taken, e.g. iipilj pang tagen kniv / a taken knife; pangem iipelj-kum mannen som tog kniven / the man who took the knife E479

épel 432


Schwa stems

tandaldšebel-g[um] Wb178

Future participle

[The future participle psa (‘will do, is going to do’) is not described more than through some translations, of which most do not much express the meaning of the participle. As alternative to the future participle is often given the debitive participle, that is used similarly.]

G120 The future [participle is] ha, sa (or with suffix [debitive participle] sódi, sotti).


Consonant stems

afá-gup 139

orfa 139, 199, orfa gup (prop. *ormpha, *orpha) 195

pössá 137

čissá 136, č̢issà G141

[ēlət- ‘to step’:] elha 135

passá 138

parhá 134

šerha 135, šerha gup 187

auarha 188

hadarha 188

hepkassa 137, hêpkassa G144

[ēlal-:] elassa 138

Schwa stems

čadaeha 122, čadaha 195

čadandaha 123

alčehá 126

wačehá 129

togoldšahá 129

kerhá 133

lerha 133, 138

udša-gup 179

nagendšá-gup писарь / scribe [person who will write] 180

čurha 188

kal‹ha› 188

āmdahá 140


čadambaha 123

eppahá 128

mešpaha 196

Fixed vowel stems

čadakuhá 125

alčekuha 127

parkuhá 190

šerguha gup 187

tökuhá 197

tänuhá 190

negehá 190

njoha 130, njōhá 189

puha 189

peha 131, pehá g[up] 189

töha gop 177

meha‿mî работа [thing to do, tehtävä] 174, meha‿mî koček много ‹работ› / much work, plural meha‿mat 178

čöhá 189

éha 180, †ehà G153


Schwa stems

nagendša-ǥ[um] scribe [person who will write] Wa393


Schwa stems

uudjysʃa-g[um] 318, uudjyssa-g[um] 318

orttössá-g[um] 318

Fixed vowel stems

tjaačekusʃa-gum [который] зажигает / person who will light 314, 315


Consonant stems

absá (apsá) 277

orpsa-g[um] 277

pasʃa 277

tjadêrsá-gum smith [person who will forge] 266

Schwa stems

tjaadessa [gum] ‹положить› (= tjaadesotti-gum) 264

kaaisʃa 275

[lak͔ə- to work:] laxsá-gum 271

puudesʃá 268

udjessa-gum 270

keresʃa 275

njedesʃá 271

wattjessá (= -sotti) 267

nagendesʃá gum писарь / scribe 266, nagendsa-ǥum Wa393

[pūtəkuččə-:] puutkutʃa andu перевоз [boat for bringing across] 268

[k͔uələččə-:] kueltsá-gum fiskafångare / fish-cather [person who will fish] (NB. suffix -tsa (in the third syllable?) = -ssa) 266


tjaadembessa-gum (=tjaadembesotti) [который] после зажигает 265

ermbasʃá gum хранитель [who will take care] 266

Fixed vowel stems

tjaangussá 279

[tjaadaku]-tsa-gum [sic, -ts-, from ćātəkuččə- if correct, but all other forms are from the frequentative ćātəkku-] (= tjaadakusotti) 266

ogoldsekussá-gum учитель / teacher 266

tuusʃá-gum гребец / rower [ɔ: person who will row] 266

njossá-gum [который гна]ть [будет] / who will chase 273

pesʃa 274

eessa 278


čuečem-apsa-ireäd month when the ground freezes [“month that will eat the earth”] Wb333


Consonant stems

suureša-g[um] som vill jaga / who wants to hunt 418

kueleša-g[um] fiska 418

minersá-g[um] jaga 418

syydersá sy 418

syssa-g[um] id. 418

moossa slå 418

kuessa fara 418

mireksá-k[um]? 432

Schwa stems

tjaatesa-g[um] som vill / who wants to light 418

kättesa-g[um] 418

indesa-g[um] taga [who is going to take] 418


tjaadembepsá 419

Fixed vowel stems

(epsa) 432

Debitive participle

[This compound participle psotəľ (future noun psot with adjective) appears as alternative to the future participle, and is used similarly.]

G120 The future [participle is] ([future participe] ha, sa) or with suffix sódi, sotti.


Consonant stems

šiersadi 447, ma‿šiersódi porgase eän? finns det kläder att taga på sig / are there clothes for me to wear? 155

Schwa stems

ýdep čačasodi koček att hämta vatten, därtill har jag folk tillräckligt / (people) to bring water (I) have many 431, čačasodi hämtare / bringer (ydep čačasodi) 153


Schwa stems

tjaadessodi (NB. -ss-) 264

keressodi 275


[tjaadembe]-ssódi 265

Fixed vowel stems

[tjaangu]-sodi 279

[tjaadaku]-ssódi 266

tūssodi-g[um] (= K tuusʃá-gum гребец / rower [ɔ: person who will row]) 266

eessode-g[um] 278


Schwa stems

tjaatsessödyö-gum 314

uudjyssödjö-g[um] (=uudjysʃa-g[um]) 318

orttösʃödyö-g[um] 318


nermbessödyo-g[um] 320

Fixed vowel stems

njoossódyö-g[um] [который] хочет [гнать] 311

iessödyö (OO iessö́dje) 324


Consonant stems

paraʃsotti-g[um] (-ss-) 276

nildjosotti 276

Schwa stems

tjaadesotti (-e) -gum (= tjaadessa [gum]) ‹положить› 264

uudjesotti 270

[njede]-sotti 271

keressotti 275

ilesʃotti 275

wattjesotti (= wattjessá) 267

togoldsesotti 267


tjaadembesotti-gum (=tjaadembessa) [который] после зажигает 265

Fixed vowel stems

tjaangusotti 279

tjaadakusotti (= -tsa-gum) 266

eesotti 278


Schwa stems

čaadapsottae-g[um] 314


Consonant stems

amarssódil-gum som vill äta / who wants to eat. This form is in Baiha dialect seldom used, and replaced with infinitive on -go with added kîgedil som vill / wanting 380

“Passive participle”

[Castrén first lists as passive participle čádamba [‘has lit’, translated by the informant *накладено etc.], hälmba точено, but then states correctly that ‘this is just the third person singular of hälmbap’.]

[Cfr. 140:] NB. By the transitive conjugation is used [passive participle replaced with:] gerund -le before the auxiliary verb, e.g. panalba испорчен / is destroyed: panalbal(e) eák я испорчен / I am destroyed; njoap гоню / I chase: njómba гонен / is chased: njómbal(e) eäk я гонен / I am chased; madšap skära / I cut: madšembal(e) eák jag är skuren / I am cut; tuap запер / I closed: tumba заперто / is closed: tumbal(e) ek заперто (есть) / it is closed; kerle ek луплено / is peeled.


Consonant stems

parba 134, parba flätat 187

čîtpa 136

panba 138, 177, 192

koatpa ловлено 176, koaatpa [sic] добыто 193

Schwa stems

čádamba 122, čadamba накладывано 195

alčemba 126


togoldšemba 129

kermba 133

elmba 135

amnamba sut‹e›t / has sat 140, 175

hälmba 125, hälmba точено 192

niemnamba 178

udšemba 179

mandšemba 191

lageptamba трясано 195


eppamba 128, 177

Fixed vowel stems

čadakumba 125

álčekumba 127

tänumba известно 190

medakumba 197

njomba 130

memba сделано 178


tjaadêmba накладено [the fire is made], third person singular from [tjaadê]-mbang 265

tjaadêkomba (from this [sic] tjaadakumbau вытопливаю) 266


GSL633: Infinitive is formed in the first conjugation with the suffix gu, whose initial g in the second conjugation usually is changed to k, e.g. eppagu to lie, pötku to be warmed. [...] Infinitive takes the weak character gu by verbs in the second conjugation whose stem end in m, n, l, r, e.g. amgu to eat, pangu to put, hepkalgu to hide, pargu to braid. GSL641 Infinitive mode on gu, ku, that all the northern dialects lack. [Note: The Tundra dialect has k͔o instead of the infinitive suffix ku. Used as a noun the suffix is still ku, see the Taz syntactic examples.]


Consonant stems

au’urgu 158

jydergu [to drink] 158

Fixed vowel stems

tugu 158


Consonant stems

amgu 139, 199

niemgu 199, niemgu or niemnagu [sic, falsely inserted aorist suffix] 178

ormgu 139, 199

äramgu 199

koatku 175, 192

č̢itku 136, čitku 192, č̢îtkù G141

c̢eutku 193

pötku 137, 193

eltku 137, 193

pangu 138, 177, 192

pargu 134, parku 187

šérgu 135, 187

hepkalgu 137, hêpkalgu 193, G145

elalgu 138, 193

pangalgu 192

Schwa stems

čadaegu 122, čadegu 195

čadandaegu? 123

adegu 125

álčegu 126, alčugu 191

alčendagu 126

hadšugu 191

mandšugu [to measure] 191

wáčugú 129, 192, wačegu 191

togoldšegu 129, 192

kaigu 132

kergu 133, kergu 188

lergu 133, 138

elgu 135, 193

ómdegu 140

amdagu 194

omtagu [to pray] 194

udšgu (NB. The following vowel determines the preceding unaccented vowel (schwa)) 179

kalgu 188

ačugu 191

häldšegu 192

örčugu 191

ogolgu 193

čondugu 196

amdagu 175

eppagu [to lie] 128, 177


čadambagu 123, 195

alčaembagu 127

pötpagu 193

ambagu [to yawn] 194

mušembagu? (missing) 195

tökumbagu? 197

medakumbagu 197

mešpagu 196

ogolešpagu 196

Fixed vowel stems

čadakugu 125

alčekugu 127

šerguku 187

parguku 187, parkuku [sic] 190

medakugu 197

tökugu 197

ljorgagu 199

êpagu 199

tänugu 175, 190

negegu 190

njogu 130, 189

čógu 190

pugu 189

tîgu 189

tögu 177

megu [to make] 178

pegu 189

igu 190

tögu 190

čögu 189

egu 141, 180, 205, perg‿égu [to be tall] 200, täneh‿egu [to be wise] 200


Schwa stems

tuelgu steal 456

čăčegu bring out 435

sogondšegu ask 435


Schwa stems

kergu 275


tjaadembugu 265


Consonant stems

kuangu 325

kueleskù 325

surusku 325

pesesku 325

puaralgu 323

OO otjinggu Wa359

Schwa stems

tjaačugu (-egu, -agu) (OO tjaačêgu) 314

uutjugu 318

orttugu 318

kergu 322


tjačembugu 314

nermbugu 320

Fixed vowel stems

tjačekugu 315

njoogu 321

iegu 324


Consonant stems

amgu 277

ormgu 277

pangu 277

taargu 276

seergu 276

paaralgu 276

nildjolgu 276

Schwa stems

tjaadêgu (-dagu) 264, †tjādegu GSL649

kaaigu 275

lakkăgu 271

puudagu 268

uudjegu 270

taugu 275

keregu 275

njettegu 271

ilgu 275

wattjegu 267

sottegu 268


aamdegu 277

tjaadembêgu 265

uudjembêgu 271

Fixed vowel stems

attugu 272

tjaangugu 279

tjáadakúgu 266

njógu 273

pegu 274

eegu 278


Schwa stems

čaatэgu (-ku) 314

[NP?] utjegu 318


tjaadambigu 314

Fixed vowel stems

eegu 324


Consonant stems

amgu 385

kueleško 385

surîsko 385

Schwa stems

tjaatago 379

alčego 382

Fixed vowel stems

ego 386


Consonant stems

amgo 431

mirengko (-ngo) 431

Schwa stems

tjaadago or -ko 417

kóndako sova 429

ippako ligga 429


tjaadembeku 419

Fixed vowel stems

työ́ko komma 429

túuko ro 429

peäko söka 429

ieko взять 429

mieko отдать 429

meäko сдeлать 429

kooko finna (cfr. kîeko) 429

(tîngam ругаю:) t‹î?ê?›êko 429

puuko blåsa 429

eengu [sic] (eeku) 432

429 [Concerning preaspiration before :] NB. i > ie, e > , y > yo, î > îe, but a, o, u remain unchanged in the Taz dialect.


Consonant stems

aamargu 351

(Present) Gerund

G118 The gerund has as character le.

GSL641: Gerunds are as usual two, [deleted: of which one ends on -le and the other adds thereto the postposition (?) bele] but these have no etymological connection with the corresponding forms of the northern languages.


Consonant stems

able 139, amle 199

njeble 178

[ēlət- ‘to step’:] elle 135

čille 136, 192, c̢îllè G141

palle 138

parle 134

šerle 135, 187

njurle 178

hepkalle 137

pölle 137

elalle 138

Schwa stems

Nm cádae (mansasid) [I finished lighting] 122

Nm cadandale 123

alčele 126

alčendale 126

wačele 129

togoldšele 129

kerle 133

lerle 133, 138

aamdele 140, amdale сидя 175, 193

ačele 191

čittale 192

eppale [lying] 128, 177


Nm cadambale 123

alčaembale 127

parešpele 187

Fixed vowel stems

Nm čadakule 125

alčekule 127

parkule 190

šergule 187

pargule 187

tänule знающий 197

ljorgále 199

negele 190

njole 130, njóle 189

pule 189

tîle 189

mele [to make] 178

ile 190

(“tögu lacks present gerund 190”)

čöle 189

ele 141, †elè G153


[Note: The gerunds in the texts are usually translated with finite forms.]

Consonant stems

pačelle рубить, hewing 441–

koalle killing 434

koalle going 459–

šierle entering 446

Schwa stems

aamdele 430

poone čandšele выйдя 438


oralbele holding 451

orraibele holding 457

kuralbele бегая 445

Fixed vowel stems

tööle coming 443–.


Schwa stems

taule 275

kerle 275


kondalbele sleeping 456


Consonant stems

orble Wa350

(kuelennjang:) kuelelle 325

(suurunnjang:) suurulle 325

pakkalle 284

Schwa stems

tjaatlé taadaram [I light] 314

uutjele 318

orttele 318, örtt‹ê›le [sic, ö-] 319

(njočam:) njoo‹t›le (stem njoot) 321


tjaačembele 314

köčolembele Wa385

kumbele 284

nermbele 320

Fixed vowel stems

tjaačekule 315

kule [dying] 284

njooleä 321

ieléä (OO ielé) 324


Consonant stems

able 277

orble 230, orble (cātcang) [I am growing] 277

pačalle 155

syylle 228

palle 277

taarle 276

seerle 276

paaralle 276

patjolle Wa401

nildjolle 276

Schwa stems

tjaadêlé (“prop. future gerund”) 264, †tjādele GSL649

kaaile 275

lakkele (malmang) [I stopped working] 271

puudelé 268

uudjele 270

tawule 275

kerele 275

njettele 271

ílle 275

wattjele 267

togoldsele 267

kurle 227

tjepsle Wa416, Wb312

čadšešesúle 156


tjaadembele (taadarap [sic, -p] зажигаю) 265

panalbele, panalbal‿eegang I am spoiled 279

njoombale 279

tuumbal‿eng заперто / is closed 279

uudjembele 271

Fixed vowel stems

attule 272

tjaangule 279

tjaadakule 266. njole 273

peele 274

eele 278


Schwa stems

čaatêli 314


[tjaadam]-bili 314

NP [?, rather Č] köčulembele nenga [stands beside] Wa385


Schwa stems


nыngelä 379

alčeleä 382

NB. (tjaatendšam зажигать хочу:) tjaatendšele 379

Fixed vowel stems

eleä 386


Schwa stems

tjaatelä 417

aamdelä 429

nыngelä 429


tjaadembelä 419

Fixed vowel stems

iilä 429

Preterite gerund

[Gerund + pūlä, see comment under Baiha.]

G119 Also gerund has two tenses: a present ending on le and a preterite, that to the present gerund adds a suffix [Č] bele, in which forms is recognized the character ba of the [left unwritten] form with appended gerund suffix.

[GSL641:] Gerunds are as usual two, [deleted: of which one ends on -le and the other adds thereto the postposition (?) bele] but these have no etymological connection with the corresponding forms of the northern languages.


[In the combined grammar are given only forms on -bele, also for N. These are false for N, but might be possible for Nm, as the examples show.]

Consonant stems

šerle pule, parle pule 187

Schwa stems

Nm cadaeléble or cadaele pule 122

Nm cadandale pule 123

udšele pule 179


Nm cadambale pule 123

Fixed vowel stems

čadakule pule 125

šergule pule 187

pule pule [having blown] 189

mele pule [having made] 178

töle pule 190

ele pule 180, ††elébele G153


[Note: The preterite gerunds in the texts are usually translated with finite forms.]

Consonant stems

koallebele having killed 441

koallebele efter att hava gått / having gone 436

sierlebele having entered 455

orallebele having grasped 437–.

Schwa stems

omdelebele having sat down 441–

annond medälebele efter att hava kommit till båten / having arrived to the boat 439

Fixed vowel stems

tö́lebele having come 437–

ílebele efter att hava tagit / having taken 436


Schwa stems

tjaadelébe [sic] 264


Schwa stems

tjaatlébele efter att hava antänt / having lit (from the verb from on -bam), tjaatlebeä = tjaatlebele 314

Fixed vowel stems

ielebele [having been] 324


Schwa stems

tjaadelébele 264, †tjādelebele GSL649

puudelébele 268

wattjele bele 267


tjaadembele bele 265

uudjembelebele 271

Fixed vowel stems

tjaadakule bele 266

eelebele 278


Schwa stems

čaadêlibeli 314


Schwa stems

tjaatelä pule 379

alčeleäpúle 382

Fixed vowel stems

eleä pule 386

382 NB. puuleä is itself originally a gerund from puuang or pungang to cross, cfr. puunil-päläng back side (puun back), cfr. Obdorsk dialect [Nenets].


Schwa stems

tjaatelä púla (pula) 417

Fixed vowel stems

eelä pula 432

Caritive gerund

[The caritive gerund kunćalək is not recognized by Castrén, but appears in two examples.]


tänugun čalk не знающий / not knowing 197

öndêčugončalak utan att jag hörde / without me hearing 203