HomePublicationsManuscripta Castreniana Ostiak-SamoiedicaPossessive paradigms Ket

Possessive paradigms Ket


Editor’s introduction

Text in black is Castrén’s (original or translated into English, sometimes both, separated by a slash), text in grey is the editor’s.


Fixed vowel stems

1S lok͔k͔áu fox 249 2S lok͔k͔ál 3S lok͔k͔át
1D lók͔k͔awi 2D lók͔k͔ali 3D lok͔k͔adi
1P lok͔k͔áut 2P lok͔k͔alt 3P lok͔k͔ádat


1S lok͔k͔alau 2S lok͔k͔alal 3S lok͔k͔alat
1D lok͔k͔alawi 2D lok͔k͔aláli 3D lok͔k͔aládi
1P lok͔k͔alaut 2P lok͔k͔alált 3P lok͔k͔aladat
1S tuuldjou chest 253 2S tuuldjol 3S tuuldjot
1D -ovi


1S tuuldjolau
1S tyyltseu gun 251 2S tyyltsel 3S tyyltsel [sic, ɔ: -t]
1D tyyltsewi etc.


1S tyltsélau [question mark on accent]
1S kaunpiu cloth 251 2S -pil 3S -pit
1D -pívi 2D -píli


1S kaunpilau
1S pau knife G97 2S pal
1D pavi
1S kou ear 253 2S kool 3S koot
1D koovi


1S kolau

po year 227

3S potta
1S muêu thing 72 2S muêl 3S (absolute )
1D mêwi 2D mêli 3D mêdi
1P mêut 2P mêlt 3P mêdet

river 251

1S kêu 2S kêl
1D kêvi


1S kêlau 2S kêlal
1S iu son 251 2S iil 3S iit
1D íivi 2D iili
1P iut


1S iilau

pyy stone 254

1S pyu 2S pyyl 3S pyyd
1D pyywi 2D pyyli 3D pyydi
1P pyyut 2P (pyylet) pyylt


N pyylau

[Partly preserved u-stems:]

lapp(o) oar 256

1S lappou or [MO?] labou

kättu gut 256

1S kättou or [MO?] kädou?

Schwa stems

Back vowelic words

katta nail 256

1S kattou 2S kattol 3S kaded
1D kattewi

makk(a) stick 256

1S makkou 2S makkol 3S maget
1D makkewi
1S sajou eye [above unreadable cancelled] 251 2S sajol [above sai- cancelled] 3S sait
1D saivi 2D saili


1S sailau

kuel fish 257

1S kuelou 2S kuelol 3S kuelt
1D kuelewi 2D kueleli
1P kuelút 2P kuelelt


1S kuelau

nopp(a) glove 254

1S noppou 254, noppòu G103 2S nopol 254, noppòl G103 3S nobêt, 254 nóbэt G103
1D noppêwí, 254 noppэvì G103 2D noppelí, 254 noppэlì G103 3D noppedí, 254 noppэdì G103
1P noppóut 2P noppelt 3P noppedet


1S noppelau 254, noppэlàu G103

kopp(a) skin 255

1S koppou 2S koppol 3S koobêt
1D koppêwi 2D koppeli 3D koppedi
1P koppout 2P koppelet


1S koppelau

mok͔k͔a back 256

1S mok͔k͔ou 2S mok͔k͔ol 3S mogot
1D mok͔k͔ewi

ol head 257

1S olou

pood icehole 256

1S pottóu

looзa͑ spirit Wa387

1S loossou 258 2S lossol 3S loosed
1D loosewi etc.

(Similarly is declined kues iron, kaas колонок [!, consonant stem])

kooc ear ring 258

1S kootcou etc.

utt(a) hand 255, ut GSL424

1S uttóu 255, uttou GSL424 2S uttól 255, uttol GSL424 3S údêt 255, udet GSL424
1D uttewí 255, uttowi ([false] udewi) GSL424 2D uttelí 255, [false] udeli GSL424 3D uttedí 255, [false] udedi GSL424
1P uttout 255, GSL424 2P uttelet 255, [false] udelet GSL424 3P uttedet 255, [false] udedet GSL424


1S utteláu

nukka nape 256

1S nukkou 2S nukkol 3S nuged

muun finger 257

1S muunou

êêd village 256, э́d G103

1S êêttóu 256, êttòu G103 2S êttól 256, G103 3S ếêdet 256, ếdet G103
1D ếêdewi (= êêttowi) 256, êdewi [deleted: (éttowi)] G103 2D êêdeli 256, édeli G103 3D êêdeli [sic] 256
1P êêdaut, êêttout 2P êêdelet


1S êêdêlau

tjeu glue 253

1S tjewau [sic, -a-] 2S tjewal [sic, -a-] 3S (absolute tjeun)
1D tjievvi 2D tjeuli 3D tjeudi
1P tjeuwet 2P tjeulet


1S tjeulau

kîl breast 257

1S kîlou

îl bottom 257

1S îlou

Front vowelic words

päl partner 257

1S päleu

pittje axe 257

1S pittjeu 2S pittjel 3S pidjet
1D pittjewi 2D pittjeli
1P pittjeut 2P pittjelt

tiu tooth 253

1S tiiweu 253, tiwèu G97 2S tiiwel 253, tiwel G97 3S tiut 253, tivet G97
1D tivvi 253, tiuvi G97 2D tiuli 253 3D tiudi
1P tiiwat 2P tiulet 3P tiudet


1S tiulau

tippa man 256

1S tippeu or [MO?] tibeu

tiib peg 256

1S tiippeu 2S -ppe‹l› 3S -bed
1D tiibêwi or -ppewi 2D -bedi

ykk(a) hat 256

1S ykkeu 2S ykkel 3S y̆gêt
1D ykköwí 2D ykköli
1P ykkowet 2P ykkölet 3P ykködet


1S ykkolau

yn strap 257

1S yneu 257, GSL427 2S ynel 3S yned
1D ynevi 2D ȳneli
1P ynut, ynet 2P ynelt


1S ynelau

tyu larch 253

1S tyyweu

kyu stream 253

1S kyyweu

‹pö›u [boot, without translation] 253

1S pööweu

k͔ööta͑ rib 227, Wa377

1S köötteu 227, kȫ́tteu Wa377 2S -ttel 227 3S kööted
1S esseu father 227 2S essel 3S äset
1S eweu mother 227 2S ewel 3S äut

Consonant stems

njaab duck 258

1S njābm 2S njabl

kaab tinder 258

1S kaabm 2S kaabl

toob brim 256, 258

1S toobma 256, toobm(a) 258 2S toobl 256, 258
1S nomm(a) God 259 2S nobl(a) 3S nomd
1D nommi 2D nobli 3D nomdi
1P nommet 2P noblet 3P nomdet


1S nuulau
1S surmma animal 259 2S surubl 3S (absolute suurum)
1D surmi 2D surbli
1P suurmet 2P suurblet


1S suurlau

nim name 227

1S nimma 2S nibla
1S maanm house 260 2S maalla 3S (absolute maat)
1D maanmi 2D maalli
1P maanmet 2P maattet


1S maadlau

cên sinew 258

1S cênm 2S cênl

cesĕn (-з-) подвязка 258, †česen GSL424

1S cesenm(a) 258, †cesenm GSL424 2S cesenl(a) 258, †cesell GSL424 3S cesend 258
1D cesenmi 2D cesenli 258, †česelli GSL424
1P cesenmet 258 2P cesenlet


1S cessenlau

kêsĕn snare 258

1S kêsenm(a)

tipsen comb 258

1S tipsenm

abek͔ lid 259

1S -ngm

pussak͔ bowl 259

1S pussangm 259, †pussagm (-ngm), †pusak͔m G107 2S -gl 259, †pussagl G107
1S kanangm dog 259 2S kanagl 3S kanangd
1D kanagmi 2D kanagli 3D kanangdi
1P kanangmet 2P kananglet 3P -ngdet


1S kanalau

njaai bread 252 [twice]

1S njaim 252, njaim G112 2S njaljl, njalj 252, njalj G112 3S njaa‹l›jet [sic], [second paradigm:] njajit 252
1D njaimi 252, G112 2D njallji, njalli 252, njalji G112 3D njaaldji?, njaldji? 252
1P njaima͑t, njaimet 252, njaimэt G112 2P njaall(j)et, njālljet 252, njaljet G112 3P njaaldjet, njaldjet? 252


1S njaajelau

avoj chin 252

N 2S avolj

kuej [breath, without translation] 252

N 2S kuelj
1S syim navel 252 2S sylj 3S (syljet) syit
1D syimi 2D syllji 3D syldji
1P syimet 2P sylljet etc.


1S syijelau

258 NB.

1. All words on short (unaccented) vowel that end on -l, -n take the [1S] suffix m.

2. Similarly those on lj = lj with preceding short vowel.

3. So also those on -s, e.g.

tjos tallow 258

1S tjōsm 2S tjōsl 3S tjost
1D tjosmi 2D tjosli
1P tjosmet etc.

(but those on -s with a preceding accented vowel double the s and are declined regularily (loos) [these are schwa stems] 258)

tjapkos iron trap 258

1S tjapkosm 2S -sl etc.

cober berry 258

1S coberm(e) 2S coberl(e)
1D cobermi 2D coberli
1P cobermet


1S copperlau

tjäber зять 258

1S tjäberm(e) 2S -rl
1S siirm cow 258 2S sīrl 3S sirt
1D siirmi 2D siirli
1P siirmet 2P siirlet


1S siirlau

(All on -r take the [1S] suffix m: tar [hair], par [top?] 258)

kêl pit 257

1S kêlm(a) 2S kêll(a) 3S kêlt
1D kêlmi 2D kêlli 3D kêldi
1P kêlmet 2P kêllet


1S kîîllau 2S kîllal etc.


Fixed vowel stems

1S lok͔k͔an (-nn-) fox 249 2S lok͔k͔and 3S lok͔k͔and (absolute lok͔k͔an)
1D lok͔k͔ane 2D lok͔k͔ande 3D lok͔k͔andi
1P lok͔k͔ant (prop. -net) 2P lok͔k͔ant (-ndt) (prop. -ndt, -ndet) 3P lok͔k͔ant (-ndt)


1S lok͔k͔alan 2S -land 3S -land (absolute -lan)
1D lok͔k͔ane 2D -lande 3D -landi (absolute -lan)
1P lok͔k͔alant 2P -lant (-ndt) 3P -land‹t?› (absolute -lan)
1S pyyn stone 254 2S pyynd

Schwa stems

1S kuelon fish 257 2S kuelond
1D kueleni
1P kuelent
1S noppon glove 255 2S noppond 3S (absolute nobên)
1D nopponi 2D nóbêndi 3D [false] noppondi
1P noppónd (-t) 2P nobendet 3P [= nobendet]


N noppelan
1S koppón skin 255 2S koppónd 3S koobend
1D koppóni 2D kóbendĕ 3D [= kóbendĕ]
1P koppónt 2P kóobendet 3P [= kóobendet]


1S koppelan
1S utton hand 255, GSL424 2S uttond 3S (absolute udên 255) udend‹a› GSL424
1D uttoni 255, uttoni ([false] udeni) GSL424 2D udendi 255, udendi GSL424

[The paradigm on page 256 is to be read: êê-]

1S eetton village 256, êttòn G103 2S eettond 256, êttònd G103 3S edend 256, ếdend G103
1D éedeni, ettóni 256, ếdeni G103 2D eedendi 256, ếdendi G103 3S [= eedendi]
1P éedent, eettónt 2P éedêndet 3P [= éedêndet]


1S eedêlan
1S pittjen axe 257 2S pittjend 3S pidjind
1D pittjeni 2D pidjendi 3D pidjendi
1P pittjent 2P pidjendet 3P [= pidjendet]
1S tiiwen tooth 253 2S tiwend 3S tiund
1D tiuni 2D tiundi 3D [= tiundi]
1P tiunt 2P tiundet 3P [= tiundet]


1S tiulan
1S ykken hat 256 2S ykkend 3S ygönd
1S ynen strap 257 2S yynend
1D yyneni 2D ynendi etc.

Consonant stems

1S nomn God 259 2S nomd (not -mn-) 3S nomd
1D nomni 2D nomdi 3D [= nomdi]
1P nomnet 2P nomdet 3P [= nomdet]


1S nuulan
1S surmn animal 2S sur‹m?›d
1S maatn(a) house 260 2S maatta 3S maatta
1D maatni 2D maatti 3D maatti
1P maatnet 2P maattet 3P [= maattet]


1S maadlan
1S cessen shoelace 258, †cesenn G113 2S cessend 258, †cesend GSL425 3S (absolute cessen 258)
1D cesseni 258 2D cesendi
1P cessent 2P cesendet
1S kêssen snare 258 2S -ssend
1S pusak͔n bowl G107 2S pusak͔t
1S kanangn dog 259 2S kanangnd 3S -ngd
1D -ngni 2D -ngdi 3D -ngdi
1P -ngnt 2P -nget [sic] 3P [= 2P]


1S kanalan
1S njanj, njānj bread 252 [twice], njanj G112 2S (njaljilj) or njaldj, njaaldj 252, njaldj G112 3S njaaldj 252
1D njaanji, njanji 252, njani [sic] G112 2D (njaaljdi) njaaldji 252, njaldji G112 3S njaaldji 252
1P njaanjet, njanjet, -njt 2P njaaldjet


1S njailan‹i?›, njaajelan

tjos tallow G113

1S tjoosn 258 2S [false] tjoosnd etc. 258, †tjoзnd G113
1S coppern (-b-) berry 258 2S cobert (-pp-)
1D copperni (-b-) 2D coberti etc.
1S tjäbern (-pp-) зять 258 2D -bert
1S siirn cow 258 2S siirt 3S (absolute siirn)
1D siirni 2D sirtti
1P -rnet 2P (sirttet)
1S kêln pit 257, G111 2S kêlds 3S (absolute kêln 257)
1D kêlni 2D kêldsi 3D kêldsi 257
1P kêlnet 257, kêlnэt G111 2P kêldset 257, kêldsэt G111


1S kîllan 257

Cfr. njai etc., genitive by them is -ldj. 257


Fixed vowel stems

1S (nominative lok͔k͔au fox 249) 2S lok͔k͔amda͑ 3S lok͔k͔amda
1D (nominative lok͔k͔awi) 2D lok͔k͔amdi 3D lok͔k͔amdi
1P (nominative lok͔k͔aut) 2P lok͔k͔amdt 3P lok͔k͔amdat (-dt)


1S (nominative lok͔k͔alau) 2S -lamda͑ 3S -lamda͑
1D (nominative -lawi) 2D -lamdi 3D -lamdi
1P (nominative -laut) 2P -lamdet (-dt) 3P -lamdt

Schwa stems

1S (nominative noppou glove 255) 2S noppomd 3S nóbemd
1D (nominative noppêwi) 2D nóbemdi 3D nobemdi
1P (nominative noppout) 2P nóobemdet


1S (nominative noppêlau)
1S (nominative koppou skin) 2S koppond [sic] 3S koobemd
1D (nominative koppowi) 2D kobemdi
1P (nominative koppout) 2P koobemdet
1S (nominative uttou hand 255) 2S uttomd 3S udemda

[paradigm to be read: ê-]

1S ettom village 256 2S ettomd 3S eedemd
1D (nominative eedewi) 2D eedemdi

Consonant stems

1S nomm God 259 2S noble
1S manma house 260 2S (nominative maall(a)) 3S = nominative
1S kanangm dog 259 2S (nominative kanagl) 3S (nom. = acc.) -ngd
1D -ngmi 2D (nominative kanagli)
1P -ngmet 2P (nominative kanaglet)
1S kêlm pit 257 2S [false] kîîlmd 3S (absolute nominative kêl)
1D kêlmi 2D [false] kîîlmdit
1P kêlmdêt [sic] 2P [false] kîîlmdet

Local cases

Fixed vowel stems

1S lok͔k͔aǥaneng fox 249 2S lok͔k͔aǥanend 3S lok͔k͔aganda, lok͔k͔agand
1D lok͔k͔áǥani, lok͔k͔agani 2D lok͔k͔agandi 3D lok͔k͔agandi
1P lok͔k͔ágant 2P lok͔k͔ágandet (-nt, -ndt) 3P lok͔k͔áǥandet


1S lok͔k͔alaganeng, lok͔k͔aláganeng 2S -láganend 3S -lagand
1D lok͔k͔alágani 2D -lágandi 3D -lágandi
1P -lágant 2P -lagant (-ndat, -ndt) 3P -lagant (-ndat, -ndt)
1S kottsaganeng sack 250 2S -ganend 3S -gand
1D kottsagani

250 NB.

1. Dative and ablative are identical.

2. Dative, ablative and prosecutive take in 1S -ng ‹instead of› [N] -k.

1S tuuldjoganeng box 253
1S tyyltseaganeng gun 251 2S -eaganend 3S -eagand
1D tyyltseagani


1S tyyltselaganeng etc.
1S kaunpiaganeng cloth 251 2S -iaganend 3S -iagand
1S koganeng ear 253
1S kêaganeng river 251
1S iiaganeng son 251 2S iiaganend 3S iiaganda
1S pyoganeng stone 254

Schwa stems

1S sajoganeng eye 251 2S -joganend 3S -jogand
1D -gani
1S noppoganeng glove 255 2S noppoganend [as 1S]
1S koppoganeng skin 255
1S uttoganeng hand 255

[Paradigm to be read: êê-]

1S eettóganeng village 256 2S eettóganend 3S eettógand
1D eettogani
1S tiweaganeng tooth 253

Consonant stems

1S nomganeng God 259
1S mātk͔aneng house 260 2S matk͔anend 3S maatkand
1D maatk͔ani 2D maatk͔andi
1S kanaganeng dog 259 2S kanaga‹d›end
1S njaajaganeng bread etc. 252 [twice]
1S kêlganeng pit 257


Fixed vowel stems

1S lok͔k͔auneng fox 250 2S lok͔k͔aunend 3S lok͔k͔aunend
1D lok͔k͔auni 2D lok͔k͔aundi 3D lok͔k͔aundi
1P lok͔k͔aunet (-nt) 2P lok͔k͔aundet (-ndt) 3P lok͔k͔aundet (-ndt)


1S lok͔k͔alauneng 2S -launend 3S -launend
1D lok͔k͔alauni 2D -laundi 3S -laundi
1P -launet 2P -laundet 3P -laundet
1S kouneng ear 253 2S ‹k›ounend etc.
1S pyyuneng stone 254

Schwa stems

1S noppouneng glove 255 2S noppounend 3S noppound
1D noppouni (-nn-) 2D noppoundi 3D noppoundi
1P noppounet 2P noppoundet 3P noppoundet


1S noppolauneng
1S koppouneng skin 255 2S koppounend 3S koppound
1D koppouni 2D koppoundi

[Paradigm to be read: ê-]

1S ettóuneng village 256 2S ettouneng [sic] 3S ettound

‹š›iu ashes 253

1S siiweuneng [sic, in the paradigm for tiu tooth]

Consonant stems

1S maanmeneng house 260 2S maanmenend 3S -nmend
1D maanmeni
1S kanangmeneng dog 259 2S (3S -ngmend) 3S [=-ngmend]
1D kanagmeni
1S kêlmeneng pit 257 2S kêlmenend 3S kêlmend
1D kêlmeni 2D kêlmendi


1S kîllauneng


Fixed vowel stems

1S lok͔k͔anze (-nзe) fox 249 2S lok͔k͔andse (-ndзe) 249, lok͔k͔andze 230 3S -ndse (absolute -ase) 249
1D lok͔k͔anese 2D lok͔k͔andese 3D -ndse?
1P lok͔k͔anose 249, lok͔k͔ansse (“prop. -ntse”) 230 2P lok͔k͔andesʃe 249


1S lok͔k͔alanse 250 2S lok͔k͔alandse (-ndзe) 3S (absolute -lase)
1D lok͔k͔alánese 2D lok͔k͔alandese
1P lok͔k͔alansse (-essé) 2P -landesʃé

Schwa stems

1S nopponse glove 255 2S noppondse 3S nobendese
1D noppenese 2D nobendese 3D [= nobendese]
1P noppenesse 2P noppendesse
1S kopponse skin 255 2S koppondse 3S kobendese
1D koppense 2D koobendese
1P koppenessé 2P koobendesʃé

[Paradigm to be read: ê-]

1S ettonese village 256 2S ettondse
1D eedenese, ettonese 2D eedendese
1P eedendesʃe 2P ēdendesé, -esʃe

Consonant stems

1S nomnese God 259 2S nomdese
1S maanese house 260 2S mattese 3S mattese
1D matnise 2D mattise
1P matnesse 2P maattesse
1S kanangnse dog 259 2S kanangdese
1D -ngnise 2D -ngdise
1P -ngdese 2P -ngdese
1S kêlnsé pit 257, kêlnesé G111 2S kêldsé 257, kêldesé G111
1D kêlnisé 257 2D kêldise 257, keldisé G111 [sic, -d-]
1P kênesse [sic] 257 2P kêldesʃé