Strödda ethnographiska anteckningar. 013



Strödda ethnographiska anteckningar. 013


vanliga menniskor. Förrän Samojederne kom-
mo till jorden, lefde vid floderna
The River Tova flows into the White Sea. GVR

i Archangelska kretsen, ofvanom jorden, foro med
båtar till Archangelsk efter bröd. De hade
mket[mycket] penigar, fruktade för folk, som ville
komma åt deras skatter, gingo derföre under
jorden. Wid
Ooma floden
The River Oma flows into the Barents Sea. GVR
i Timanski har
man funnit ett förgyldt koppar-stycke,
Narratives about čud are extremely popular in north-western Russia. Mythical and historical themes come together in the narration. In addition to Russians, the Komi and Nenets also share the tradition, which comes together with TN сихиртя narratives. See [siirtjeh] (Lepëchin 1805: 203; Lašuk 1969; Chomič 1976: 55–60; Drannikova and Larsen 2008).

to ordinary people. Before the Samoyeds came to the region, [they] lived by the River Toova in the Arkhangelsk district, on the earth, and travelled in boats to Arkhangelsk for bread. They had lots of money and they were afraid of people who wanted access to their treasures, and therefore they went under the earth. By the River Oma in the Timan tundra, a gilded copper item of Tschud origin was found.

Harjutsih = Karatseja.

När en Samojed bildas till
Russian kudesnik ʻwitch, sorcerer’.
man honom en trumma att <brta> på, binder en
duk för ögonen. Medan han trummar, klappa
honom tvenne personer med flata handen
turvis i nacken. För Stephan blef det der-
vid ljust för ögonen, och Tadebtsioh satte
sig på hans fötter.
When a Samoyed is trained to become kudesnikʹʹ, they give him a drum and tie a cloth over his eyes. While he drums, two men clap him on the neck alternately with flat hands. For Stephan, then, a light came to his eyes and Tadebtsioh sat on his feet.
Hvid hvarje troll-cer[emonie]. bindes en duk för trollkarlens
ögon, och han ser dervid det oaktadt allt
(ännu bättre).

A cloth is tied over the sorcerer’s eyes during every ceremony, and he sees it in spite of everything (even better).

Tadebtsioh lära sjelfva sånger m.m. så snart
trollkarlen en gång egnas sig åt yrket.

Tadebtsioh teach themselves songs and other things so soon that the sorcerer is at once devoted to the profession.