Itineraria (1–2)



Itineraria (1–2)


Itineraria 1. Manuscripta Castreniana, Personalia II,1. Pp. 1–691.
Itineraria 2. Manuscripta Castreniana, Personalia II,2. Pp. 692–1647.
ISBN 978-952-7262-12-2 (1–2, print/hardcover),
ISBN 978-952-7262-13-9 (1, print/hardcover), 
ISBN 978-952-7262-14-6 (2, print/hardcover),
ISBN 978-952-7262-15-3 (online).
80 € (1–2).


M.A. Castrén continued the European tradition of expeditions in Russia but he was also able to fulfil the needs of the Imperial Russian administration for information about the Empire as well as the Finnish national movement’s request to explore the history of the Finnish people. This two-part volume contains the reports and previously unpublished diaries written by Castrén in Finnish Lapland in 1838, Finnish and Russian Karelia in 1839, Finnish Lapland and Arctic Russia in 1841–1844, and in Siberia in 1845–1849. The introductory article contextualizes them in the intellectual and scholarly environment of the time.

View the whole volume (pdfs)


Manuscripta Castreniana: A General Preface to the Series by Juha Janhunen

Editor’s Foreword by Timo Salminen

Practical Information


List of Illustrations

Matthias Alexander Castrén as a Travelling Researcher by Timo Salminen

M.A. Castrén’s Travel Routes

Matthias Alexander Castrén:
Journey to Lapland 1838

1 Resa till Lappland år 1838

2 Några dagar i Lappland 1838

3 Ett Post scriptum

4 [Reseanteckningar 1838. Lappland.]

Journey to Karelia 1839

5 Resa till Ryska Karelen år 1839

6 Redogörelse för min resa under sist ledne sommar

7 Hvarjehanda philologiska, mythologiska historiska m. m. anteckningar i Finskan, gjorda under sommaren 1839

Journey to Lapland, Russia and Siberia 1841–1844

8 Resa till Lappland, norra Ryssland och Sibirien åren 1841–44
Appendix 8.1
Appendix 8.2
Appendix 8.3
Appendix 8.4

9 Hvarjehanda anmärkningar

10 Utdrag ur ett bref, dateradt Kuolajärwi den 3 December 1841

11 [Resedagbok 1842]

12 [Anteckningar 1842]

13 Hydrographiska anmärkningar öfver den Mesenska kretsen af Archangelska Guvernem[entet]

14 Schrenk’s Reise durch die Tundren der Samojeden

Journey to Russia and Siberia 1845–1849, Travel Reports

15 Rese-plan

16 Utdrag ur Reseanteckningar 1845 af Doct[or] M. A. Castrén

17 Reseanteckningar

18 Rese-anteckningar i Sibirien af M. A. Castrén
Appendix 18.1
Appendix 18.2
Appendix 18.3

19 Rese-Anteckningar af Dr M. A. Castrén
Appendix 19.1
Appendix 19.2

20 Tolstoj Nos den 25 Nov[ember] (7 Dec[ember]) 1846

21 Jenisejsk d. 22 Mars/3 April 1847, Rapport till Kejserl[iga] Wetenskaps Akademien i Petersburg

22 Jenisej
Appendix 22.1

23 [Reseberättelse I–II]

24 Rese-anteckningar
Appendix 24.1

25 Några Upplysningar om de till Sibirien deporterade Finnar

26 Rapport till Kejs[erliga] Vetenskaps-Akademien i S:t Petersburg

Journey to Russia and Siberia 1845–1849, Travel Diaries

27 Dagbok 27.2.1845–25.9.1845
Appendix 27.1

28 [Reseanteckningar]

29 [Reseanteckningar, Minusinsk 1847]

30 [Reseanteckningar 1847–1848]
Appendix 30.1

31 Мѣсяцословъ на 1846 годъ

32 Карманный мѣсяцословъ на 1847

Sources and Literature


Matthias Alexander Castrén
edited by Timo Salminen


Finno-Ugrian Society




© Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura – Société Finno-Ougrienne – Finno-Ugrian Society & the authors


hardcover, PDF


English, svenska


ISBN 978-952-7262-12-2 (1–2, print/hardcover), ISBN 978-952-7262-13-9 (1, print/hardcover), ISBN 978-952-7262-14-6 (2, print/hardcover), ISBN 978-952-7262-15-3 (online).


